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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Katie, Phil, Lena, Vlad ,Lina, Layla and Josh? at Terrace. Pool looks like it will be filled in 2 more hours.Amy in Rose's bed
  2. Well they're not listening. I've seen Rose's boyfriend move that cam around a few times and never points it down more. This is a really easy fix
  3. After how many days will someone listen to lower that shower cam? We don't need to see the shower head.
  4. just for notes the pool filling started at around 12;20pm
  5. I'm telling you one the guys will get a little drunk and decide it's a good idea to jump off the roof. VHTV tell your guys not to do that
  6. or Layla's if they can get that apartment on
  7. yep the shower. means it's be awhile for Amy and Rose showers
  8. question is would they hook it up to the shower to get warm water right away
  9. So..how long until one of them decides to jump off the roof?
  10. they might have to lower the yard cam slightly to get the full pool in
  11. looks like this will be a much sturdier above ground pool
  12. Not VH but they already said June 10th for Grisha and Maria. I think it's obvious that they are combining Eric and Layla and Silvia and John into one apartment probably in the same complex as the 2 new apartments. We've seen them in the yard on both sites in the last 2 days so it won't surprise me to see the apartment later today or tomorrow
  13. The lighting on 5 is bad but we never saw this out of these 2 on RLC. Worth the wait
  14. Layla Eric Lina and Alex all just appeared on the yard cam. They all appeared coming up and down the driveway on the right hand side. It's certainly possible the new apartment for Layla and Silvia is located in the same housing development.
  15. It's also too cold out there for any sexy action. Rob and Dina are going to bed. They're a little antisocial sometimes . Then again I like her body.
  16. I will be surprised if that's the last we see of Tory. It wouldn't shock me to see her visit for a party from time to time. That said, I find it curious that she came back to the new apartment for less than a week. Were some here too quick to criticize her activity so far, some of which had been hurt by the poor camera setup in this apartment so far?
  17. Isn't that blonde girl the one who covered up the bathroom cam to have sex in the old place?
  18. I noticed Rose's bf was adding something to cams 5, 7, 8 & 9. Perhaps the night vision.
  19. The shower cam is out again. Has been for an hour now. I emailed support but no one has moved.
  20. So Amy hikes up her dress and runs to the door and that's what you got of it? They're laughing at us? Maybe you shouldn't watch as you are taking this a wee bit personally.
  21. I'll start with the request to lower the shower camera in Tory's apartment. It's working amazing in Lena's place and seems like an easy thing to adjust
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