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Barry Elephant

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Posts posted by Barry Elephant

  1. 1 minute ago, vortios said:

    That yes, that yes, that you opine what you want.
    In terms of contracts you will not teach me lessons, my young friend.
    I know what I read in his day, I know what I hired in his day, and because I stopped paying RLC.
    But none of that has anything to do with the forum thread.
    You convince and speak or interpret my words as you wish. I interpret, that you are not stupid, only that my translation is terrible. So I assume my mistake and you alone are not able to interpret my words well.

    But as I say, this is not a matter of interfering with another dialectical war. You have what you want, but the truth is there.
    I will continue to comment on the things I see, and tell me, that they are even better than what I see.

    No, I think I understand you perfectly, you are getting your meaning across in English very well, although it is clearly not your first language, it is good, and you are making yourself understood.

    Unfortunately, I am not young, and equally unfortunately, your contract with RLC is what it is, regardless of our "opinions." It is knowable, and you can read it on the link I provided earlier.  

    If you are not paying RLC then you are not a subscriber any more. Maybe your experience would improve if you subscribed and had access to the non-public areas again :o)

    • Upvote 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, vortios said:

    That is your opinion, and I respect it, and I have mine, which is so respectable with your opinion.
    But I did not know you were an RLC spokesperson. But thanks for the information.

    It's not an opinion. It's just what your contract says. You can look at it here http://reallifecam.com/terms

    It's often better to read this before you pay, rather than assume what it says, pay your money, and then complain because your assumptions are frustrated.

    For the record, I am not an RLC spokesperson. I just read their terms, and thought it might help you if you had an understanding of them, as opposed to an assumption.

    • Upvote 6
  3. 15 minutes ago, vortios said:

    Already, even the girls in the houses (in only three months of stay ... also take vacations)
    And RLC continues to play with the subscribers ... Bravo!

    A subscriber is someone who has a contract with RLC. That contract is not breached by a tenant going on vacation. RLC are giving subscribers exactly what they agreed/contracted to give them, and are not  'playing with' their subscribers. A subscription does not give a subscriber control of the tenants' lives, merely access to the non-public areas of the site.

    • Upvote 5
  4. 17 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    So.. anyway, in case you missed it because the unwelcome piss-storm VV



    When you interview people, all you need to do is ask them - "Do you like to have sex and masturbate a lot and are you fine with doing that regularly whenever you want in a house with cameras?"

    Only hire people that you believe have answered truthfully - YES

    Then just let them do their thing.  If they told the truth then you don't need to stage parties or big events because the people in the apartments will just be doing what comes naturally and people will have a genuine reason to pay.

    Look at Leora on RLC, no one is suggesting to her that she have sexy parties or that she do "wild" things but she likes to masturbate regularly, is aware but doesn't care about the cameras - and is probably the only reason the majority subscribe to RLC.  I discount the Barca apartments because if you read the threads for them, those "fans" are pretty fucking creepy!

    Personally I find it a bit distasteful that people are saying that "VV should get a man for Mona to have sex with," - there's probably a human rights violation in that statement!  She doesn't appear to be a very sexual person and is too aware of the cameras and is making Volga as frustrating as RLC Barca - that's fine for her, she's obviously not suited to the voyeur project and it would be better for all if she left, please don't make her try do something or put her in a situation that she isn't comfortable or is doing against her will.

    It's time to say goodbye to her and get people that you believe answered truthfully to the above question.  It really is that simple.

    how could they fail, with all of this splendid advice.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Can we get back to topic again? Behave like adults and not like children guys :angel:

    Splendid Idea. I did want to take it elsewhere, but...well, you can see what happened.

    Sorry if the thread is a little untidy now, but I am sure a discerning reader will be able to scan past it  easily enough.

  6. Just now, Maturin said:

    Still laughing at you!! wow!

    But yeah, if you wanna go ahead and start something on the flame thread, just tag me in it buddy.

    Spoiler alert:

    I aint gonna read it, nothing can get better(worse) than what you just posted!!


    you seem a little confused. I'll leave you alone now to work it out

  7. 1 minute ago, Maturin said:

    Flame thread? With you?  Haha! You must be kidding!  You need to display much better chops than this to even make it worth merely considering wasting time over there with you.  Well done reading through my posts in order to find something to argue about, you sad little boy.  Likewise reading through yours it shows that you're merely desperate to get into arguments with people but the quality of your taunts are so pathetic you don't get many takers.

    Hahaha, politley asking to go over to the flame thread?!!!!!! How fucking pathetic is that?!  Fucking seen it all on here now!!!  Go out side mate and give yourself a dry slap, that has made me laugh so hard!!!  'Kin hell, hahaha!!!



    Yes, I read your post history. Well spotted, clever lad.

    If you don't want to argue, then don't. Its pretty childish to carry it on here just for the attention.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Just now, Maturin said:

    Uhh, thanks for your input there pal. Nice one, yeah.

    Here's some examples of the amateur micromanagement, from on here, so you can understand better what I am talking about

    Mona is sat on the sofa playing with her phone when she could be sat on the sofa at least without panties on, would be better if she was playing with herself. Sorry but this does not make me want to subscribe.

     they did their big announcement about being under new management and were going to improve and make things different. Wow.

    For the record, I want to subscribe to one of the 4 sites and I was really hoping that after VV's announcement that things would be worth it for this site but really, it hasn't improved to the point of making me want to buy a subscription

    Perhaps, but what will definitely have an effect is voting with your wallet.  The owners of this site should consider themselves to be put on notice of that fact.

    the archives give people another reason to pay for your site. You should think about it as two income generators - the live video and the archive video. Your archive video selection should...drone..drone...

    I think they have a 3 month contract and its just been renewed so she...drone...


    Look, if you are going to carry on getting all red in the face do you want to take it to a flame thread?


    • Upvote 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    To be honest then mate why are you commenting?  VV have said they are working on making the site better and would like to recieve feedback and opinions.  It's the micro-managing that I'm against and if they followed my feedback they wouldn't need to do such.  It is quite a simple concept but as they said earlier it's hard to find the people to do it.

    Failing that, let's not say anything and have to put up with and pay for people that actively hide from the cameras and spend 90% of their time with noses buried in phones.  Some people obviously love that sort of behaviour, maybe they've got an odd sado-macho thing of wanting to pay for shite - but VV is struggling - obviously there aren't enough sad people that love that type of non-thing in order to make the site a success.

    VV are working on it, I believe them, I'm simply offering advice on what it would take to be more successful, it aint rocket science.  Once they come out and say - these are the new tenants and this is how the site will be - then if it meets my expectations I'll stop offering advice and subscribe.  If it doesn't meet my expectations then I'll stop offering advice and won't subscribe.  Easy.

    Ooh! a live one, complete with the passive aggression he will quickly deny.

    No it ain't rocket science. Go on then, your turn, do better.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Maturin said:

    Ok maybe not on the same level Bashar Hafez al-Assad but it's still pretty dodgy ground :D

    Do they want to be a voyeur style site or a paid sex cam site with inconveniently placed cameras?

    To be honest mate, I hardly care. I tire of the constant complaints about the various services people subscribe to on here. They aren't seeing what they want to see, but couch it all in terms that would suggest that they are all-but running the business. Honestly, the membership of this forum should start a 24-hour voyeur site, there are so many experts it couldn't fail (or wouldn't get off the ground)

    • Upvote 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, Maturin said:


    When you interview people, all you need to do is ask them - "Do you like to have sex and masturbate a lot and are you fine with doing that regularly whenever you want in a house with cameras?"

    Only hire people that you believe have answered truthfully - YES

    Then just let them do their thing.  If they told the truth then you don't need to stage parties or big events because the people in the apartments will just be doing what comes naturally and people will have a genuine reason to pay.

    Look at Leora on RLC, no one is suggesting to her that she have sexy parties or that she do "wild" things but she likes to masturbate regularly, is aware but doesn't care about the cameras - and is probably the only reason the majority subscribe to RLC.  I discount the Barca apartments because if you read the threads for them, those "fans" are pretty fucking creepy!

    Personally I find it a bit distasteful that people are saying that "VV should get a man for Mona to have sex with," - there's probably a human rights violation in that statement!  She doesn't appear to be a very sexual person and is too aware of the cameras and is making Volga as frustrating as RLC Barca - that's fine for her, she's obviously not suited to the voyeur project and it would be better for all if she left, please don't make her try do something or put her in a situation that she isn't comfortable or is doing against her will.

    It's time to say goodbye to her and get people that you believe answered truthfully to the above question.  It really is that simple.

    human rights violation! lol!

    • Upvote 1
  12. 16 hours ago, jouandomy said:

    They are there to live their lives, not to bend to the fantasies of the voyeurs we are. For more action you should go to Barcelona or elsewhere ... And if we are interested in their lives, it is also normal to be interested in their country and their culture.

    I agree, as do others, but you are wasting your time. Alokin76 is obsessed, keeps ranting about it

    • Upvote 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Maxbell said:

    Frustrating not knowing what the deal is. If she has started using intervenious drugs this is very sad. A previous post mentioned her passed out and unresponsive with Nina? looking for needle tracks? If that is accurate, this is very disturbing. Just now in the bathroom, the look on Ninas? face while she was examining Kira's? arm was like she was going to break out bawling. 

    alokin76 can understand them and watches them all the time. Maybe he could translate rather than just complaining about the apartment?

  14. 20 hours ago, Alokin76 said:

    Hello! When I write for this apartment only express my opinion ... if you do it every other day or every day ... I think there is no problem. You are satisfied with the performance you write what you like, I write what I like ;) .  Even I revived forum for this apartment) and here were the topics of point zero as the current situation in the apartment . I hope people depending on which to intervene and put an order in one months ago my favorite apartment. I went for the first time in  RLC  precisely because of their apartment I'm disappointed! Good luck to all !

    yep, you already said...and said...and said...

    • Upvote 1
  15. 23 hours ago, Alokin76 said:

    OK! Is there a problem that I say opinion for this apartment and without nobody writes about it because it is frozen in one place This forum is it ? No one is saying that I am wrong and all sending me to watch other apartments!


    No, there is no problem. you are welcome to your opinion, and to express it as often as you like.


    Equally, people are entitled to have an opinion about what you say, and to disagree with you, aren't they? or is your word the law? Is that it? you say what you think while we all sit around in grateful silence for the wisdom you bestow on us?


    You are continually repeating your complaint that you have watched the apartment and don't like it. Great, we get that, thanks for sharing. I, personally, am sharing that I think it is foolish to continue to watch it if you don't like it. Nobody is trying to silence you, they are just having their say in the same way that you have yours.


    This is a public forum. Surprise! people might occasionally disagree with you.



    • Upvote 6
  16. 13 hours ago, Alokin76 said:


    You will spend very good and sex does not interest you ... pay dollars to watch the empty apartment, sorry has two cats ... really they are more interesting than the two actresses in the apartment !  

    Make me laugh heartily :)

    You seriously do you think that there is no script. Good luck and hopefully remove this apartment as Carina and Sabrina



    what makes me laugh, heartily or otherwise, is you spending your time watching something that you dislike watching, just so that you can complain about it here

    why not spend your time doing something that you enjoy? or do you just enjoy the complaining?




    • Upvote 2
  17. 2 hours ago, wmax said:

    Yes, there are people. Do you still don't understand? This is not a show scripted to please you. No one promised you there will be sex every night. This is life. And sometimes boring. But you have the choice to look elsewhere. Instead of whining...

    No, understanding is a long way off. He never stops whining about it, yet, strangely, watches the apartment regularly, apparently just to have something to complain about.

    • Upvote 1
  18. On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 10:08 PM, Alokin76 said:

    Notice how every night Nina to bed after Kira was asleep .... and so for months ... just me? I notice that we are making fools of themselves Let's see if tonight will be the same again.


    Really? You do this every night? You don't like it, you think it's a theater? But you are going to watch again to see if you like it more tonight,..tomorrow night...

    If it's so bad, why not have the courage of your convictions and give up on it? rather than watching so you can complain about it on here?

    If I went to a shop and bought a cake and didn't like it, I wouldn't buy another one tomorrow to see if they had got better at baking cakes. I would just go to a shop that sold cakes I like. Maybe it's because I can't understand Russian...

  19. 12 hours ago, Alokin76 said:

    As you enjoy this parody tell me the last time there was sex in this apartment ... Here sex is a mirage for a long time prove me wrong. Do not forget that I was watching him from 2 years!

    I haven't said whether or not I enjoy it, Alokin76, you have jumped to an assumption there. I simply find it funny that you don't enjoy it, yet continue paying for it and continue to look at the apartment and so that you can come on here every day and complain about it.


    If found myself doing something every day that made me want to complain, I would just stop doing it, and then I wouldn't have to do all that grumbling and complaining and could also use the time to do something I did enjoy.


    For example, if I went to the supermarket and bought a pie, and it wasn't nice, I wouldn't go back and buy another one every day and then complain about it. I would just buy a cake instead. It's kind-of simple.

    Congratulations on your ability to understand Russian. That's quite an achievement. Why not put it to some use that makes you happy, rather than wasting your talent listening to something that seems to make you angry every day?

    • Upvote 1
  20. 12 hours ago, Alokin76 said:

    I'm glad that you like it :)! I understand that you are fans of this app why not commented as Barcelona 1 or 2? It you like .Istinata is that he died and did not watch see the forum and writers on the subject? I love lesbians but not numbers;) Good luck!

    i can't work out what you are saying here - it's getting lost in the translation

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