Why can't the creepy Julya & Raul not stay away and let Kiki & Mike do their thing there.👎🤬🤔 I want to see what they like to do. (Inviting friends, having parties) Not what Julya & Raul want to do there. They really should piss off by now.
Maybe we should create a travel journal sub topic where we will link all the twitter posts and talk about your adventures. What do you think @Mira&Henry?
My opinion on this. When they get caught taking illegal things on cams they will be fined. That's good. When they do it away from cam VH has no evidence to fine them. If they want to destroy their health with this shit it's their thing. I am not their babysitter and I seriously don't care.
With all the Cleo and creepy guy visits that place is pretty much on ignore anyways...
Nope that's not why I think it is boring. Just nothing new happens there lately. Not talking about sex. (I rarely watch them having sex as I don't think it's hot) Just some parties or guests. And no I don't mean Cleo. She makes it even more boring😜. The visit of Dana was nice exception...