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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I no longer do cam tickets about places from Mr. Shitty Cams or +6GMT managers. As they won't improve anything there.
  2. Seems like a fraud to me. Maybe we should report it to payment providers.
  3. Pure assumptions again. And I do. And I tell you they find the forums helpful.
  4. You should have recognized I changed my attitude about that some time ago...
  5. I am pretty sure the majority of the audience won't see the violence. I agree about fining and limiting managers when they don't get their shit together.
  6. I think in the majority it was good to cut the feed. Of course there were also incidents when it was not necessary to do. But I don't see a problem in general. The problem is rather letting so weird people in the apartments...
  7. There are a lot of other places to watch when they cut one feed. And you still didn't say what you would do instead of cutting the feed...
  8. That's a pure assumption and is no evidence that nothing serious happened here...
  9. Not sure. Maybe it's a technical limitation. But usually they only cut the timeline of the specific cam. I think it depends on the severity of the incident
  10. I don't know. This was said by people who use too play things down when it comes to violence. So I don't know if it was serious or not.
  11. Of course not. I agree it doesn't solve the problems which are also caused by mostly bad casting. But when there were no rules enforced the whole site would be a total chaos.
  12. There is normally a three strikes rule for kicking somebody out. But why you think the reason for taking them offline here was only a minor one?
  13. A lot of participants got already kicked out for violence. Even managers. So VHTV is paying attention to this. But lately the violations are getting more and they really should do something to stop it...
  14. They get fined for covering cams but places only get taken offline when multiple cams are get messed with and you won't see something anymore anyways. Places get taken offline for drugs or violence or worse.
  15. Yes that's what so think the rules should be even stricter. Not only for participants but also for managers...
  16. Participants know what will happen when they break the rules. So I don't feel sorry at all for them. Drugs on cams violence or even guns are a no go and I think it's good they get sanctioned for it.
  17. So what do you think they should do against violence and drugs on cam? Doing nothing is not the solution. Personally I would be even stricter to show them once and for all what are the consequences.
  18. I think the problem is like you said before that some people just invite random people who are not even a guarantee that something interesting will happen. Instead it often ends in drugs or violence lately. D&W did not even try to be successful on their own and with close friends and just started to invite all these weird people
  19. I don't think so. There are rules and the participants know them. When they violate them they know what will happen. When they don't agree to them they should not have joined.
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