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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. They are away pretty long lately. My guess is they are setting up something...
  2. Yes very hot. But now wearing most ugly unsexy onesie again
  3. Lol maybe we get another dumb like Boro...
  4. Yes neither for me. Completely down
  5. The VV woman is there now too
  6. Lol VV dont understand a thing. With them left in Tula there are again people in Tula missing. And why Iris starts to clean the place in Tver?
  7. Hes doing sth. with the cams but I dont see any difference...
  8. Hmmm I dont like Ivo and Phonia very much. But you dont know what limited opportunities they might have at VV and what they would be able to do with the opportunities of VH...
  9. Wonder what Ivo is doing there...
  10. Lol yes. Id say too right one is bigger.
  11. Lol its gettin complicated here by determining who knew and who did not know she or he knew I guess we will get an answer to how the relations there continue this weekend
  12. Geri in bed now with Serg. Seems she still works quite a lot outside and is quite tired and exhausted when she comes home
  13. We know guys. What puzzles me and many other guys here ist they were quite nice and sexy when they were guests. Now when there names are official on the appartement they seem to be on strike since then. All other couples I include Emma and Peter here try to be funny and interisting only Kate and Loui are very boring.
  14. Yeah the #silly6 are not home so the schedule is on them I guess
  15. Not yet. They will finish it next week.
  16. Wow wow just watched it. Wonder what happened when Eric had got it hard? Interesting to see now how it will continue. That appartement is gettin more and more interesting.
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