Could not have said it better. And everyday I ask myself the same questions: Why are Kate and Loui still there and why are Mia and blanketboy boy back?
If it was available in Germany I would immedeately go for it. Unlimited mobile data costs way over 100€ here a month... You have to be glad that normal internet is not limited...
Ive been to Toronto too. Nice city. But I nearly crapped my pants standing on the glass floor of the CN Tower. But it was great anyways. But to be honest I must say I liked Vancouver better
May I ask what you pay for unlimited data? Here in Germany I must pay 25€ for 1GB mobile data. Its ridicoulos. I know other countries are much cheaper.
They also said they will establish the feature to record your own moments in future. Best would be to even make the timeline recordable into moments archive. So members could add an interesting moment they missed from the timeline into archive. I know I am dreaming but what do you think @Voyeur House TV
Not so impossible. You know Anna did browse the VV archives quite often on the TV in Tula. So my bet is someday she will start to browse timelines or archive moments too
I say when there will be a new appartement it wont be in Bulgaria but in Russia again. You know Mr Fixit was the Manager of the Amy Alya appt. It would not surprise me seeing this appartement as Sofia replacement