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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Theres absolutely no chemistry or attraction between Shorty and Big Tits
  2. Yeah I think we will lose big tits if shorty stays
  3. Iris listens to Rammstein and sings. Did not know thats her kind of music
  4. Yes you are right. Its too much now
  5. Iris seems to be pissed and left
  6. Nope he really drinks too much. Rehab would be good for him
  7. Exactly thats a childrens birthday party and nothing more. It was kinda funny until Alex went to bed
  8. Yeah they were just sitting around and staring all the time. Just like Iris who does not really participate. All she does is smoking and staring at her phone
  9. Really? I did not really notice that. Will have an eye on in the future.
  10. Cmon hes just a little drunk. Hes the kind of guy who brings action in. I have no problem with him being there
  11. Iris is kind of antisocial. All the time staring at phone
  12. Yeah he is completely done
  13. The face of Iris is just priceless
  14. Yep they brought all the luggage. Other Voro guests dont look so comfortable. Alex will get wasted tonight thats for sure
  15. Hmm dont know stay with Anna and Alex in Tula? Or leave as Jacky did
  16. They seem to have all left now Nope all back now with Anna and Alex
  17. Unbelievable Tula gets a visit from Voro
  18. Yes I hope so. It would be more than Bad if VV had a new couple which will be a fail again. They said to me they adjusted their castings to get better people.
  19. Ok.Did not see that new couple. Only Ivo & Sonya and Katya & Ruslan. How did they look?
  20. Some kind of maybe what is supposed to become a sign of a party in Tula
  21. Shorty just spoiled it I guess. She doesnt like him. She said that to Anna
  22. Seems they help them carry their luggage
  23. Haha yes maybe they just stopped by to fuck for the last time in jacuzzi and get some of their old stuff which is still there
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