Hey dont argue. Lets have fun here in the forum and dont get personal :D Btw there is something strange in the air in Tver. Check my post in the Tver thread 8)
Something strange going on in Tver. Everybody was about going to sleep and then all of a sudden they are back in the living room and make a meeting in the shower room. I guess something bad or good is going to happen soon
They usually replied pretty fast to the mail I have send them. And it is christmas time (in Russia christmas is celebrated on january 6th) So I think we should wait till mid january and see how the situation develops. So please let me out too. I am sure that VV knows about the problems and is trying to fix them.
Do you have proof they get coaching from outside? Even if I assume they get coaching from outside it would make absolutely NO sense to tell them stop at a certain point. If they would go furhter they get even more viewers.
Yeah but sex almost always in the dark. Miss the good old times where sex happened during parties direct in the living room. I am afraid the direction VV is going will not work out at all and could end bad.
Sorry to say that but I cant stand to here that "Nora Shit :spam:" anymore. Shes not some kind of goddess who has power of this appartement and can command what people are allowed to do and what not. This appartement is run by RLC and NOT by Nora. And even is Nora is the owner of this appartement and rented by RLC she has absolutely no right to say what is allowed or not. If you rent an appartement from somebody he or she has no right to say if you are allowed for example to have sex or not. So please get over Nora and accept that she is history and will propably never retrurn to RLC.
Making posts like this is a basic sense of behaviour also? :bang head: :no: I for myself grew up in the county side and was raised not to be such a pussy in such situations or with food and getting dirt or something on it. But some people always find something to complain :doh:
Well it was good start. Irma does this right. If she at least (wish I wish but I highly doubt) will get a chance to go further with Ilona then she has to be very slow and careful to not scare her off by doing too much to fast.
The question is did she have sex all night? And what clients to entertain you speak from? Are the girls escort girls? Ilona is obviously hiding again. :curse:
I think there is some kind of illness spreading in VV. First Ivo was ill couldnt go to party in Voro, Akira is still ill but looking better. And now Sonia and Petra are not looking good at all...
I really hope they dont bring the arrow appartement back or at least improve the setup of cams. The arrangement of cams there is really bad cause it allows to much spots for hiding
Ok was confused by the "former" name of Nikky called Natascha by for example Christy. But from now on we will call her Nikky. So the shy girl hiding from cams and not fitting in in my opinion is Nataly. Btw. Where are Nataly and Greg?