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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Just look at Tula. Too funny
  2. Thats just too good. Petra rejects him everytime he kisses her. Guess he smells like a whole rum destillery
  3. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Haha ok. I wonder where Eve in Voro is. Adam is already in bed. But no trace of her
  4. Petra woke him up cause he already fell asleep. They are now making out a little but not sure it will lead to sex
  5. Hes lying in bed and wanking
  6. I would recommend couch for petra. He looks like he can barf any moment
  7. Seems hes drunk as fuck
  8. Haha yes he can only make it worse if he pukes now...
  9. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    I got connection issues with all three appartements the last half hour. Sth. is wrong there
  10. Lol it really looks hes falling asleep
  11. VV is increadibly slow and laggy at the moment
  12. She looks like "God let this be over soon"
  13. Hmm I dont think he can do anything. It doesnt fit with them. There simply is no chemistry between them.
  14. Uh dont remind me of hillibilly
  15. Petra looks not very happy and sure not turned on.
  16. Yep nothing worth to watch today at VV.
  17. And write suggestion always to [email protected]. Help told me today that they rarely have contact with support and vice versa.
  18. Guess one of the two Petras should be Sonya . But yes that would be a great idea. Lisa and Nick and Adam and Eve must know each other a little better. Then the clothes will come off I think
  19. Obviously she was the one telling him the light stays on. Pointed with her foot in direction of light switch and said something. Dont think shes mad at him as they already snuggled up together in bed again. She has a much more calm and friendly personality then Lisa. And she has that "girl next door" attitude and beautiful eyes. I like her.
  20. Ok then Adam and Eva is good
  21. Does not work and now she is pissed
  22. She does her best to get him hard
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