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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. In Voro yes. But in Sofia I saw her without a few times now.
  2. I actually saw that several times. She is not shy at all
  3. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Hibernation this year starts early if you look at Tver...
  4. We will see. But they have even now a great advantage above L&N: They are not arguing all time
  5. Only if there will be sex...
  6. They are smoking like chimneys...
  7. Lets see but my expactations are quite low.
  8. Yeah I think we got another hiding full nudity and sex in the dark couple here.
  9. Yeah you are right. Wonder where Lisa and Nick went
  10. I do not record sex in the dark in shitty quality sorry.
  11. Yeah sth. is wrong between them. And somethings wrong with cams in guest room. They ara almost never out of NV mode. Even if its broad daylight. I hope VV will fix this now when people are in there again
  12. Nope that is not a spotlight it is an infrared lamp for nightvision. It seems like a spotlight because cam is in infrared nightvision mode.
  13. And another Sex in the dark couple. He deliberately switched light off before
  14. It's always dark in guest room. So I doubt we will see much
  15. That was predictable yes. It's always the same. But as I said I have low expectations. Just wait and see
  16. The past told me it's no good idea getting to excited when people are promising. So I will not get disappointed
  17. We will see. I will not get too excited because I saw what happened with Kent and Gerda. But they look promising so long
  18. If Lisa stands against the plans of VV she should leave as simple as that
  19. Contract? Did they already sign paperwork?
  20. I think shes just bored so all alone
  21. She came home ran straight into the bedroom and screamed at him. She isnt right mentally I think
  22. No problem. You can also watch it on PC. If you got a link for a livestream you can also access it with your normal web browser. But I do not know if Petra was reallly on periscope. She needs a twitter account to broadcast there. Do you know if she has one?
  23. Its quite popular these days. You can get it for iOS and Android. Dont know what phone you have.
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