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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. There will be only blowjob and no sex
  2. Lisa trying for sex with Nick but this weirdo is on his phone
  3. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Since Petra is back Tver is like a monastary. No action at all
  4. It seems Nick and Ken are not very good friends. Nick always is in bedroom and Ken in kitchen. They rarely talk with each other
  5. Tweeted them too about him
  6. Yeah Nick became quite a weirdo
  7. She gave him a blowjob but no sex. Maybe shes on her period
  8. Yeah Voro even more boring than Sofia lately
  9. Nicks is such a strange guy. Lisa wants to fuck at he rather is on his laptop. WTF is wrong with that dude???
  10. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    What happened to Petra? She is wearing clothes while at home
  11. Maybe a friend of her. They are now in the jacuzzi together
  12. Just watched recordings. You are right absolutely boring.
  13. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Oh yes I see. About one hour ago there was only the word Petra
  14. Not at home unfortunately. So cant watch. Remember to press that record button
  15. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Farewell or welcome back party for Petra in Tver?
  16. The guy Jacky fucked a few nights ago is back there. And they changed some cam positions
  17. Now Alina is renamed to Jacky again
  18. And now they are as always sitting at the far end of the terrace so you can barely see them Best would be to close Sofia for a time and start the appartement new with better cams at good positions and with new people of course
  19. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Thats a general problem all cams from VV have
  20. Lol why should VV rename Jacky to Alina? The couple there are for sure the managers or some kind of it of the appartement. He makes the tech things there and she accompanies him. Wonder what the guy will change and if Alina is really just a renamed Jacky. That would be pretty silly. And who was the guy Jacky fucked last night? Not great to watch because cams in bedroom suck in the dark.
  21. Who the hell is Alina?
  22. There rarely at home anyways. And even when they are at home I can assure you are absolutely missing nothing Cam3 for example is blocked every night with a chair by Alex. So all you can see is the chair and the head of Alex
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