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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Alex will return on June 20th VV told me
  2. One word to all here who call all of us who are against Nazis here narrowminded we do not give a shit about common human morals and virtues just because we wanna see Sex. And now I am through with this topic. Some will understand others will never learn as history shows. Back to topic gossip about voro
  3. Uh I suppose Uppsala just signed up here for trolling and flaming. No normal conversation possible with him. Simply ignore him.
  4. Lol I think he only hurt it somewhere. And I am sure Anna didn't like them too when she was told they are Nazis. Shes not that Kind of girl. I don't think either it was fault of VV. I guess she lied to them about Tattoo and buddhism bullshit. So VV not to blame here.
  5. The old is Petras boyfriend. The young is phil supposed to be Jackies bf
  6. Yeah I hope Alex will return soon. He seems to be a good guy. Maybe he is away because of treatment for his arm?
  7. Dont saw them leave. But actually it looks like all their stuff gone. Laptop in livingroom gone and no blankets of Eva she used to hide under on the sofa anywhere
  8. Anna alone in bed. Alex not home either. Looks like the two actually left. Hope Alex returns.
  9. Ok its quite hard to understand but I think I get your point. I am also strict against war and any crimes against humanity as you are. But now if they are really gone for good lets come back to topic and talk about what happens in voro. Ok I ran it through the google translator but I have no idea if that french here makes any sense at all: Ok son tout à fait difficile à comprendre , mais je pense que je reçois votre point . Je suis aussi stricte contre la guerre et des crimes contre l'humanité que vous êtes. Mais maintenant, si elles sont vraiment partis pour de bon permet de revenir au sujet et parler de ce qui se passe dans voro .
  10. Generally I would agree but if there are less people at the cost of less Nazis I like it
  11. It's the normal voro gossip Thread. So I think it should continue. You say they left? So VV no longer convinced about buddhism?
  12. I love seeing Anna painting. She reminds me a little bit of Irma on RLC
  13. jabbath1987

    Tver - Split 4

    Seems like Phil (Fil) is back
  14. Its a Russian Site. German law is useless there. But why threaten with the law? Write them a nice but direct mail to adress these issue. VV usually take concerns of viewers serious. I fully agree with your zero tolerance for Nazis.
  15. If she got that tattoo against her will I will personly write her an apology letter if I had her adress. But let's be realistic and face the facts: She obviously lied about buddhism to VV because that tattoo has nothing to do with buddhism. She wore that ACAB Shirt which points to a quite extremist ideology. If she had gotten that tattoo against her will or is no longer into this ideology she could easily told VV and the case would be long over. All evidence against her at the moment
  16. Maybe but at first look evidence are very clear. It's on VV to prove the opposite. If I am wrong I will of course admit that in a adequate Post. Dont worry I am no one who judge people just to harm them
  17. You don't get it. Its not a fucking tattoo. Its a fucking sick inhuman and intolerant ideology which is responsible for millions suffering and dying. This is a no go for me and many people think the same. So dont call us pussies because the actual pussies are people who don't stand up against this shit
  18. Obviously VV has not take any action yet. Wonder what they are waiting for
  19. What did you write them to get this answer?
  20. Now it makes sense to me she wore an "ACAB" shirt yesterday. Only for a short time. I first didnt thin much of it. But in connection with those swastika it makes sense. But those shirts are often worn by extremists like Hooligans or Nazis. Buddhism is a very peaceful and tolerant religion they would never wear such shirts. And the style of her clothes (all dark) doesnt fit in eihter. I think VV is not aware at all what kind of people they got here
  21. Thats complete Bullshit with Buddhism. The buddhistic swastika is other way round and standing upright http://www.religionfacts.com/swastika/buddhism
  22. I wonder what sick mind agreed to make this tattoo????
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