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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Seems there is trouble again. Place offline.
  2. But I can't imagine Hope does not know. Her being away when it happens seems to be the perfect timing. So "fake cheating" like in GMT+7 😂
  3. Well for sure not a friend. Otherwise he would have already returned...
  4. They hired a male prostitute some weeks ago already...
  5. The way I see it she was at least just there for the sex. She arrives, talks a little, and then all of a sudden they go to bedroom to have sex. Very weird. They had no time to know each other or get closer like it is the norm (For example the guest couple at Stifler place.) Even Lyla takes herself more time until she fucks with people 😂
  6. Lol did Yan just cheat on Hope with the hired prostitute? 🤣🙈
  7. There were not many fines at all in the past...
  8. I like her even better without them
  9. I don't believe that 2) is the case. There were no new rules introduced since the parties stopped. So this makes no sense at all. I rather believe in individual reasons...
  10. Lol and I thought she was somebody special the way @moonlight89 talked about her
  11. RLC doesn't have any archives as far as I know.
  12. Ah yes I remember. The time the place was interesting 😁
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