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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I wish you the best to overcome the crisis. 😍
  2. They are not even in top six πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
  3. Because like every flu virus it can't survive in hot conditions
  4. Tarja is online there now. Her name is Cleo_Mint. Well I won't support this. No caps or any other things from me promoting this.
  5. Can somebody help me understanding the joke? I want to laugh too πŸ‘πŸ˜
  6. Ahaha lol you guys are funny. πŸ˜‚ Let's continue to hope the best for all the people suffering from it at the moment πŸ‘
  7. Mr. Shitty Cams is still collecting enough shitty cams and silly blue lights πŸ˜‚
  8. Can be moved to offline. @StnCld316 They will return in a new place later.
  9. Well the faster we can contain it the faster we can go back to normality
  10. Well here at work many people working from home when they think they caught a cold. Everybody is cautious now which is a good thing. I still feel fine. I had a a very bad flu infection in January where I almost had to go to hospital and so I jokingly say I already had it 😁
  11. Well I watched them for some time at the beginning but as webcamming and the fake shows started I stopped watching. I check the timeline sometimes and see nothing happens...
  12. Nah thanks. I can do this and earn more money by working πŸ˜‚
  13. Coronavirus vaccine race: volunteers to be infected in the UK WWW.THETIMES.CO.UK It sounds tempting: a payment of Β£3,500 to spend two weeks relaxing in front of the television, playing video games or catching up on some...
  14. This is not in any way meant cynical .But that is how evolution works. Survival of the fittest.
  15. I heard in the UK they pay you 3500 pounds when they can get you infected and do some research for vaccine on you for two weeks...
  16. You understood me wrong. I always said you have to take it serious. But the media especially here in Germany wrote a load of nonsense making the people running to the supermarkets and buy supplies like tomorrow WW III will start. I say it again the German government and especially our authorities do a pretty damn good job. I still feel safe here. But we all have to be careful and aware and most important think before we do something stupid. That is the best against it. Panic and fear won't help.
  17. Thanks for the update. I guess what is scary for the people is knowing there is no vaccine or medication against it yet. What should make us think positive is numbers in China are already falling. They cure more people as they have new infections.
  18. Oh you are my neighbor to the west.😁 Hope the situation in France will improve tooπŸ‘. We here in Germany have a lot of cases too but can still be lucky to have it under control
  19. Well yes. I like this tradition. My grandparents are living in our house too. It is a nice tradition. Too bad it causes now problems. I know the Italian health system is not bad. I guess every country would have real problems with so many infections at all. I wish you so best. In what region of Italy are you?
  20. I really feel sorry for what happens in Italy.😞 It's very strange the death toll is so high there. About Germany. We should be worried and aware but don't panic. Germany has one of the best health systems of the world and will overcome this. However I believe this virus won't go away. We have to live it like we live with the "normal" flu. Next winter there willl be a vaccine available I guess. Coming back to Italy when it gets worth I think other countries should send help there. No matter what caused the bad outbreak there we all should do our best to help our Italian friends 🧑
  21. And I think the place should be called: Funny, Diego
  22. I wonder if they knew about all the funny *haha* things you can do with that name when they choose it ? 😁
  23. More pixelated blobs πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘Ž
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