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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Aren't you happy she isn't using her phone? 🤨
  2. Lucas had sex with Sabrina too some days earlier
  3. He is not getting out of there. Brenda will leave him there til the other furry guest leaves 😁 And yes they feel amazing
  4. Ahahaha. Well as a landlord you must see your only responsibility is not too collect the rent but also to make sure everything is nice and fine in your appartements.
  5. It was actually a try of a joke to calm things down. Whatever. I am out of here. Have fun guys 😉
  6. Maybe we should make an own topic about Melissa's phone? Starting by the brand and type would be a good start. 😁
  7. How can you use a phone different than everyone else? Upside down? 😂
  8. Talking about the half dozen hardcore fans I guess. Apparently they weren't enough so they could leave the lights switched off 😂
  9. I hate nobody here. Seems you take some things too serious here...
  10. Who cares about a bra when there are two naked girls to watch? 😂
  11. By doing that he should be also okay with people not liking that behavior.
  12. Okay to ask. One time, a second time maybe even a third time. But not a thousand times like he does. Saying things all over again without any benefit from it could be considered trolling. I don't say he is a troll but that behavior is close to it.
  13. Nobody is ganging up on anybody. It a normal discussion I think.
  14. So true. That place is not my cup of tea at all but I won't complain about the type of people there.
  15. It's a chinchilla. And I think best is to keep it in the cage. It's Alisa cat and it will be gone when Alisa place is ready.
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