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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Anna & Alex or Alex & Lina and also Nina & Kira do NOT use these kind of cams. I wrote it before already...
  2. Geeez what has an infrastructure update to do with lazy managers using cheap ass cams with shitty quality? 🙄
  3. Yes one of the good cams not listed. Another technical disaster when it opened ... 🤦‍♂️
  4. An infrastructure update has absolutely nothing to do with managers using shitty cams.
  5. Well guys make tickets if you want the two shitty to get replaced (Kitchen and bed front)
  6. Two more shitty cams in bedroom and guest room
  7. You also can't make out any details on cams 4 and 5. It is just one dull blurry mess. Everybody telling me these cams are good should have his eyesight checked. Might be that RLC has even worse cams. Not sure. I do not watch that.
  8. cam3 is good and 4 and 5 are bad.
  9. Nope they are bad. Wait for fast movements there and you have a lot of ghosting going on...
  10. Guess this realm is from same manager Jane had as the two shitty cams from the bedroom are now in the livingroom and the realm number has not been used before.
  11. And two of the shitty cams used in livingroom 🤦‍♂️ Awful quality with a lot of ghosting going on there. 🙈
  12. Nope he just has to throw the shitty cam model in the bin and use a proper cam
  13. Back online and cam4 fucked up. All blurry and out of focus. Well now we can't see all the nothing in good quality
  14. Anti favorite button for the do-nothing places would be nice 😁
  15. I was talking about what type of cams they are using. And they do not use these type of cams...
  16. Well he really looks a little like him. Might be his brother.
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