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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. New name Anna. Time to change names @StnCld316
  2. Amy somewhere described it so detailed it is even better thant the vid. The main part has the sweaty towell 😂😂
  3. Yes we have Anthony English speaking. I can remember how exciting his place was 😂
  4. According to his twitter he has Dana & Chris , Clare & Stas and his place. Other than that he retweets random tweets from pornstars and uses his logo on them? (Not sure if that is even legal) And he shows what looks like random photos from hotel rooms and says those are places in Vegas. Here take a look. It is quite funny actually 😂 https://twitter.com/VoyeurLife
  5. I agree competition is always a good thing. But we are talking about Anthony here. A guy who took half a year to move from Miami to Vegas and then did one of the most horrible cam placements ever on the site... 😁
  6. #5 and #6 in one night? Wow they will soon catch Misty
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