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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Kitchen cam to the left no longer on the list of cams @Cristian&Ruta
  2. Lol another webcamming place? Nah thanks. 🤦‍♂️
  3. Yes I am. But I have no contract or something like that what would make me an employee
  4. I am considering reduce it to pics with some text too. At least when those silly discussions take place. The discussions lately are no longer fun.
  5. Hey welcome. We are happy for every new poster here. So feel free to have fun with us
  6. Wonder if the third bedroom there will be ever used again. My guess is with the end of summer and the expiry of Schengen visa of the tenants place will be closed.
  7. Actually every place where tenants have human guests (except M&H) has to fall under this feature.
  8. Fully agree. I said it already a little earlier. We can argue as much as we want but threaten people or attacking their private life is just an ultimate no.
  9. Just caught a pic of a beautiful smiling girl 😍
  10. Agree with you. Sometimes their tweets are misleading. Employees? No not at all.
  11. Sorry do not get me wrong. Nothing personal against you. Groomy said it here. Of course you could not read it all. Peace my friend.
  12. Look who is there. Hope in good mood and no longer in hibernation mode 😁
  13. Agree with everything you said except the thing with the threats. There is no reason at all to threaten people. If somebody did this to Amy it is not tolerable.
  14. Reading all the posts here helps sometimes. So you should have known too 😉 By the way it was you who added the words "very serious business" to the meeting. I never said that.
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