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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. It would be when VHTV actually announced a swingers party on their site. Then subscribers really had a reason to complain. But neither of them happened at all. So complaining about nothing basically.
  2. The problem is she has no problem going against people and tenants here but can't even take it when somebody reps a post she does not like.
  3. Good question. As what I saw she is a pretty easy-going girl I think she does not give a fuck at all. Ahaha lol not giving a fuck literally in that context
  4. Hope they can make up again. Would be bad to lose the place.
  5. Just maintenance they say. Should be online soon.
  6. I think the big majority of VHTV viewers are not present here so we don't think how the majority thinks about it. Even on CC it's only a minority complaining about the party which we know was never planned as a party but just a meeting.
  7. Yeah only the burglars masks were a little weird 😂
  8. This place actually was not bad. I hope Fay will come back
  9. These two gather as much offline time lately as Em & Bob did before they went offline for good...
  10. I did not watch but somebody said earlier Iren returned.
  11. I agree about Jeka but saying it to all managers I think is not quite fair. We know George for example usually invests a lot of effort in cam setup. He always returns some days after opening to make some fine tuning to the cams. Melissa & Sergio do a good job too. Lisa & Grant also know how it's done. I guess in that particular case support did not look and just believed in what Jeka told them. I wish you a nice day my friend.
  12. Cam5 not working good @Cristian&Ruta It is lagging and stuttering.
  13. Lol no I was making a joke. I meant they could have waited like in the tweet but they didn't show up. So the tweet with waiting actually was correct. Of course I know how it was meant. 😁
  14. Well they will see when they lose views because of the bad positions...
  15. Here place is too big for only two people and occasional parties
  16. Well maybe you should reduce your expectations. It was nowhere states there will be a crazy party or orgy.
  17. I do not think everything is bad. It made me happy this place was at number one last night and not Kirills circus girls. Shows the majority of VH audience still prefers things like happened in here.
  18. Nope I guess the manager thought he will just take the Spygasm concept to VH. Won't work and I will predict another failure with that manager.
  19. Thanks. As neither of the girl there attracts me I do not follow that place. Girls there look rather let's say "used" I do not know how to describe it. Just not what I think is sexy.
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