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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Well for me there is no space for a second chance here. Maybe we should just agree to disagree.
  2. I guess you are really the only one here who usually justifies all kinds of violence being done. This is quite disturbing I think. Fortunately VHTV has a quite strict policy regarding violence.
  3. It was totally comparable to the Anastasia Rock incident. He was kicked out for that. I hope @Voyeur House TV will do the same with Kirill
  4. Well this one was different. He hit her several times in the kitchen dragged her by her hair and slammed her to the ground. There is absolutely no reason trying to relativise his actions.
  5. Nah just a fact. A guy sane in his head would never hit or abuse woman.
  6. Does not matter who you are but it is shocking that really anybody defends his action. And obviously you never learned how to behave against other people too
  7. Did his guest hit anybody or were abusive against women? If not they are not terrible.
  8. I hope he is not allowed to come back. He is a bad guy. Why you even ask this guy to come back?
  9. Might be really him. We know he is not the brightest star under the sun 😁
  10. If you are really Kirill I hope you will get banned from @Voyeur House TV for good and they will take legal action against you for being abusive against women.
  11. They did it because Kirill is a bad abusive guy who does not respect women.
  12. So you are Kirill? Very "good" way to disguise you 😂🙈
  13. Maybe Iren coming back. I hope Fay gets her own place.
  14. I do not care about last night. Kirill is an abusive bad guy and needs to be kicked out ASAP. I am happy to see this appartement close for good and I hope the stupid manager gets fined big time .
  15. I hope this abusive and bad guy will never be allowed to return.
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