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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Two guys and two girl sleeping on the sofa doing nothing. Yes that's what we need 🤣 No offense my friend it was just too funny
  2. So now only worth watching when Serena fucks Derek...
  3. Out of respect for him and Melissa & Sergio I think we should not post any pics or videos of it. 😞
  4. Poor Catdog 😭😭 My thoughts are with him and you 💖 We will never forget him 😻
  5. Funny thing was at their very first place there was a party with many guests and it got quite wild and so D&S left their own party while the guests stayed 🤣. I agree when you look up the definition of party poopers and antisocial people a photo of D&S should be there.
  6. They should move Alisa in here instead of D&S. They are good in finding people but boring and lately never home as participants. They should just do management work in the background
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