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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Should I say the same about when you post pictures with guys? Tolerance is the right word here
  2. She needs a guy desperately 😁
  3. I get what you mean. But I think when they develop in the direction you want they will lose more members than they win. No matter what you do you have always to be aware of your main target customers or audience. You never can make everybody happy.
  4. Tell me which of the places online for a long time does excessive webcamming or porn? 😉
  5. only subscribers are important, all the rest doesn't matter The point is target audience. There are tons of hardcore porn sites which deliver brilliant quality 4k60fps material for less money VHTV is per month. Tell me why people interested in that should subscribe to VHTV only to watch Sofi & Kirill? The target audience of VHTV is different and all the webcamming places and live porn places will get problems with that sooner or later. Plus like groomy said pornstars have no reason at all to perform here as they earn a lot more with professional productions. I think you look at the wrong place for the content you want...
  6. I agree. We might be only a few people here but we are enough to form a representative group. It's like a survey when it come to elections. They ask a small group and they are quite accurate calculating the results for the big group. You are right. There are so much ordinary pornsites when VHTV will give in and just be a live pornsite like Waldi wishes they would not be anything special anymore at all. I think the majority is not into live porn and webcamming.
  7. And maybe it's the complete other way round. Who knows ? 😉
  8. Could it just be that the main VH audience just is not into that porn and webcamming places? I don't know. But I think it's an legitimate question.
  9. Maybe the reason is the totally failed party they had lately. And Bonnie always looked totally sad and miserable lately. @StnCld316time for archives
  10. Why does she want him to fuck other girls? She wants to fuck other guys too?
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