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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Get naked, clean, cover with sheet and action 😂
  2. Tells me lot about them already. My first impression is that this place is Georges Monsoon place 🙈
  3. Do not know. All I know is they should clean the sofa 🤮
  4. At the beginning she was. The appearance of the do-nothing-crew ruined it
  5. They had a lot of arguments the time after it. I guess that is why they stopped. Grant was not ready for it.
  6. Still my opinion the move to that bad place was not good for them. Rarely see them in previews anymore, not much posts here either. I guess people losing interest...
  7. Alexandra got totally lazy and did nothing but sleeping nearly all the time. I guess that was a problem... Alexandra & Sergio never were close.
  8. Never liked the place. Looks old and rundown...
  9. No the name is still Leeloo & Corben. Their housesitters have these names.
  10. That is just disgusting. One of the guests puked on the sofa last night and they do not even bother cleaning it. I can't imagine the smell of it now 🤯
  11. I hope they won't get an own place. They remind me of the lazy Monsoon gang
  12. Nope but their managers hardly improve anything...
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