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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Ticket made. Cam2 and 4 are really useless at the moment.
  2. Yes I will write support... It is truely horrible setup in livingroom
  3. Well they are back. @StnCld316 you can move them back online. I expected a palace by the time they needed to move but the place is quite below average. I guess they really like that lamp on the livingroom ceiling 🤦‍♂️🙈
  4. Better replace the whole crew there and move Juliet only there when she gets back at her old level...
  5. The threesome together with Grant & Lisa is still one of the hottest things ever happened on VH
  6. Poor girl hurt her hand. She was great when she did wild parties. But when the do-nothing-crew started visiting her place kind of went down the drain.
  7. After the visit of her do-nothing-crew and the visit of one of her friends to Nadia not a surprise to see Juliet herself now
  8. That is the room where they keep disappearing constantly:
  9. Exactly. Tell me why as profit oriented company I should open places which don't bring me money. Makes no sense. That's the hard truth
  10. Not at all. I just said it does not help constantly repeating it. But of course you are free to say whatever you want.
  11. Complaining about that in every topic will just get you ignored and nothing will change.
  12. I really have absolutely nothing against gay people and I support that you get a gay place but complaining about every non gay appartement or action all the time is for sure not the solution.
  13. Time to change names here @StnCld316 New names Ilka & Sam
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