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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. These two are really cute together 👍💖
  2. Might be yes. But in camshows it just bothers me a lot. I will never watch these...
  3. Yes the lighting is different. Is that is why the white balance must be adjusted on the cam automatically. And it does fail to do it.
  4. The thing is you never know what is real or staged. So no camshows at all for me.
  5. I guess auto adjusting the white balance on the cam does not work
  6. Not really. I do not watch this fake staged stuff. I do not like it at all. Sorry.
  7. Most likely a problem with the cam adjusting the white balance.
  8. Pic three has a problem with white balance I guess...
  9. Liked her a lot in the very first place. This place I did not watch at all because of the constant camming there.
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