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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Nothing is going to happen beyond talking. They are not drinking and I do not see any booze in the kitchen.
  2. I Said that yesterday that they were using B1 as a training camp and then move them to B2 when everybody started to like them
  3. Belle is laying on the couch with her phone next to her. Maybe she is expecting her friend to show up.
  4. 4:30 Barca time and Belle is up and has the tv on . There are bags of what looks like clothes in the hallway by the door. Did Jasmin bring them or are they Belles.
  5. Jasmin may be watching Becca on her phone. She seems to be watching something and not talking to somebody.
  6. B1 is starting to be a training camp for B2. By letting Jasmin move to B2 they do not have to bring in a new girl. They are just recycling the ones in B1.
  7. What RLC may be doing is getting you interested in a girl in B1 where you can see her for free. Then letting her move to B2 where you have to pay to see her. This will then inflate their subscribers.
  8. May be that Jasmin used her friendship with Carol to get her foot in the door to stay at Barc2 . Now she probably cares less about Carol except that she may get her bed.
  9. Emailed RLC about Jasmine staying at Barc2 instead of Barc1 where she is suppose to live. I was curious what they had to say. Their answer was a joke. " People you see online are not actors, they are real people living their routine lives in apartments equipped with video cameras. There are no scenarios, no operators, video editing or censorship just life as it is 24/7. We can't tell them what to do."
  10. Jasmine just made her bed up on the couch and told Carol to move the tv so she could see it better.
  11. Becca came out to the living room in just bra and panties and Jasmine got up and went to Carol room.
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