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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. You are right . What goes on outside of the apts. is the girls business not ours. Comments are suppose to be about the girls and what goes on inside the apts. If your English is poor a suggestion is to use a translator such as google. It is not the best but helps.
  2. In your post you asked about the guys, you did not ask about the girls. You can have all the ideas you want. Have a nice day
  3. Looks like B2 is getting ready to go out. Then again I might possibly be wrong. Have a good day.
  4. There is more of a chance you are wrong Harley. I would hazard a guess and say you are so wrong it is unimageinable. Otherwise known , as you have no chance of being right. Then again I might be wrong. { but I doubt it} Oh almost forgot. Have a nice day.
  5. I myself only have one request I would make to the Goddess. Please please more shows later in the day. By the time I am up and checking in on you, you are already setteling in for some sleep or naps. Nap earlier and play later. Thanks.
  6. Lemondrop If you are done playing games then explain your post where all you said was "both"
  7. Why would you want him mentoring her outside of the apt.? That would only mean she would be gone even more than she is.
  8. What type of clothes are her work clothes and what type of work does Teresa do? I am interested so I know if a girl is wearing those clothes I will know what kind of work she does and will not have to guess.
  9. I give up on what I am trying to say. With what the business news said and me explaining it, it is not coming across right
  10. They already are Stone. The Dow is dropping drastically since the attack and Trump is getting the blame.
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