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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Heads up guys maybe Nicole is going to join in. She has stripped down to her birthday suit in her room. Maybe she will lick the chocolate off of both girls. I heard she had a sweet tooth.
  2. Hey Cow Sofie will just have to wait for Nicole to lick off the chocolate. I think Anna wants to do that by the way she was wagging her tail while applying it on Sofie.
  3. Good day to you Naga. Maybe B1 is going to get 2 new girls. They will throw Gina and Polya out the windows with all their belongings and then bring in 2 or 4 new girls. Maybe even a set of triplets instad of twins.
  4. Good morning to you Moos. It does not do any good to count the days of the girls in B1 or B2. Like Gina she may be a resident of Spain or live where a visa is not required. The other girls you do not know how long they have been in Spain or if a visa is required for where they live.
  5. At least one of the members on your list has let his RLC sub expire. Since he no longer watches RLC at this time he is not commenting on or visiting the free rooms. He may renew in the future and then continue posting.
  6. The problem HFB is that you and your buddies don't only give negative comments you come right out and insult the girls. Such as one of your buddies calling them w----s just the other day. That was not just a negative comment and it got removed real fast.
  7. If certain people new what the girls do outside the apts. then the girls would not have any kind of private life and could open them up to stalking.
  8. Does that mean your were not there HFB? If so then you are just making up things just to stir up trouble. Because if you were not there then you have no idea what they did.
  9. HFB not everyone needs raging orgies whether between male and female or between 2 or more females. Or in yor case 2 or more men. Most people just like to see what is going on and maybe catch an intimate moment time and again. If you want your orgies go to VH and watch them there.
  10. Ed2 and Ze you can like and dislike different things. But a little bit of praise instead of insults goes a long ways to get want you want.
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