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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. What makes you think they will pick someone up in the park. They are going to a club to finish celebrating Polya's birthday. They will eat leftovers for breakfast.
  2. Sofie will probably erect her tent as soon as Nicole closes the door. If Nicole was not going to barge in again she may not even make a tent.
  3. Maybe and maybe not. Just because we have not seen her with a girl does not mean that she does not like them.
  4. May the Lord have mercy upon your soul. Because there is not a MF in this world that cares about your puny soul. Have a good day.
  5. Noldus that is only 1 bear. What did you do with the other three? I know they are waiting for leftovers after this one gets done tasting her hand.
  6. I made a typing mistake Suck it. I know how it works and how they treat women. You still do not make any sense in your spouting. Why not take a lesson in how to spout and make sense at the same time.
  7. Suck you still are not making any sense. Why don't you bury your head in the sand until you know how to make sense.
  8. Suck where are the Shriaia courts at? None are here in the states.
  9. Noldus I beleive you have made a mistake this time. She went out the door at 16:47. Was watching the time to beat you this time
  10. I said mostly in the U.S. not only. I know other countries do allow speech freedom. There are also countries that you can still go to prison for it or shot. It did not start with political philosophers in western Europe it started with our Constitution.
  11. There is no freedom of speach on this forum. That is only in the real world and then mostly in the U.S. That is guarenteed under the Amendments to the Constitution and only in the real world.
  12. A very Good Morning to our princess Lyree and all the guys here. I see that Nicole had another seizure. Not good. When you start having them this close together something is very very wrong. She needs to see a doctor NOW. I think she has only had them in bed as of yet I believe. There is to much of a chance she could have one while on the balcony or in the bathtub. SO PLEASE NICHOLE IF YOU HAPPEN TO SEE THIS, GET TO A DOCTOR AS SOON AS YOU CAN.
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