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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Sergio you and Ed feel it is funny or untrue when we say these are normal girls. Assaid before they have jobs as models or dancers which many girls have, they like to go out, drink, dance and have fun. What girls their age does not. They like to go to the beach which a lot of people do. Anything else outside of the apt. is speculation and the girls should not be accused of doing. The only difference with these girls that I can see is they live in a apt. full of camera's.
  2. How do you know what two girls on the balcony said? There is no speaker there and the door is closed so you cannot hear it on cam2.
  3. You need to ignore them Storm, eventually they will go away when no one feeds them.
  4. Forgot about the nips. That is a dead giveaway on who is who. Bet any neighbors that can see the bedroom windows are enjoying the view.
  5. Damn Sofie is sexxy as hell in glasses. I got this one right Noldus. Once in awhile I do get one right.
  6. You have to watch closely to see if they are real. Plus there are other things you can look for. Only practice makes perfect.
  7. I would hazard a guess that probably 80% of the models today started out in this way or similer to it. This is how a lot are found by how well they photograph and how they look in the photo's. That is why the girls have portfolio's of pictures.
  8. You are right moos. If it is done tastefully it is art. Nudity in art has been around for a very very long time. If it is lewd and vulger then it is considered porn.
  9. If you had his name it would be easy to find. That I cannot help you with because I do not know it.
  10. Yes the pictures are for a special site. It is a site showing his work and how good he is. It is a form of advertisement that all photographers use to show their skills.
  11. Nicole hope you find peace and happiness in your life. Thank you for the time you spent with us and shared your life, Good and bad.
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