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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Why sink my teeth in and leave bite marks on that lovely ass? I have something else to sink into it that will not leave bite marks. Just her moaning for more.
  2. I am sorry to say this Noldus but I think you need your eyes checked. Look on cam 8 on the floor the suitcase is still there.
  3. Naga she had the panties on earlier in her room while laying on her bed. I think someone told her to put pantys on to confuse us.
  4. Yeah I get the message, you are saying that you like it up the ass all the time. Thankfully English is not your main language, we do not need dumb fucks like you distorting it. If you had no friends here you would not be here defending your lover HFB. You only talk tough because you are so weak. You are trying to get everyone to believe you are a tough guy who can handle anybody. But it is all talk. Have seen your type many of time. Putting up a front because they are so weak, both in mind and body. Just because as you say that you are a voyeur does not give you the right to talk crap about people all the time. So just go and crawl back into the asshole you came out of.
  5. Well pipsqueak I can hold my own against something like you. You only act tough because you have no friends, at least anybody who will defend you properly.
  6. Well well well I see the 2 bitches vort and curious have showed up to start smelling each others assholes. We know that you 2 are made for each other. After HFB and his boyfriend get married you 2 can go on the honeymoon with them. That way hfb will have three bitches to cornhole.
  7. vort as a non member of RLC you see only what goes on in free cam and everthing else you get second or third hand. That is why you never get anything right.
  8. vortios when are you going to learn how to use a keyboard and write so people know what the hell you are saying. Your lack of any knowledge shows through in your posts. You need to learn how to properly form sentences and say what you mean instead of gibberish. When you have graduated from elementry school you might be able to form a sentence if you listened and learned anything from your teacher. In the meantime learn how to READ and WRITE.
  9. Vort I just had to JUMP on this as you say. You are no better then Harley. You feel that you and him are the only ones that are right, when neither one of you can see past the free cams. As you notice I am not insulting or cursing you even tho you deserve it. When you are full members of RLC then you can complain and say what the girls are doing wrong. Until then keep your hands in your pockets and off the keyboard. { as you can see, no cursing or insulting you}
  10. Gay means you fuck your brains out with men. Treating women right has nothing to do with being gay.
  11. At least my capacity for a brain is in my head where it belongs not in my ass.
  12. Wow curious now you want Mike as your love. To bad I happen to know he loves women and does not get turned down by them as you do.
  13. Well curious I see you had to show up and prove you have a lack of a brain or common sense. I have seen 2yr. olds that can produce a better come back than that. You are just as bad as vortious in how you talk about the women on RLC. How many women turn you down in one night alone? Twenty, thirty or is it 40. When every woman turns you down that you talk to you must have hard time then when you start asking men instead. Don't worry sometime before you die some women may say yes. But they will not mean it.
  14. Well Harley I see you have your mouth running again and not knowing what you are talking about. If a guest is in the apt. and does not want to be seen naked on camera that is their option . Not yours to tell them what to do. I do agree the screen did go to far. Unless you can prove that Gina is doing coke or weed then do not be accusing her of it. A lot of people roll their own smokes. Back when I smoked I rolled mine for awhile useing pipe tobacco. RLC probably dos not require that the girls get nude for you and if you are not a tenent it is up to you if you want to show anything. A non tenent does not get paid or a bonus just so you can get your jollies and whack your shriveled up worm. RLC also says when you sign up it is the normal everyday lives of the tenants. It does not say they are locked in the apt. just for you to watch.The Lovely Tay or Lyree will agree that there are other times when women use panty liners than when they are on their period. My ex wife was a dancer and would use them once in awhile to keep her bottoms clean in case she leaked a little while dancing from her drinking. If you were around women at all you would know this. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
  15. Would like to Thes but I got a little carried away earlier with a post and need to put myself in the penalty box for awhile. Besides I am not as good at this as Mike is.
  16. Unlike you ED2 I speak only for myself. Also you need to get your facts straight before you accuse. I have been a subscriber of RLC and CC longer than you have by quite awhile.
  17. Boy Harley you try so hard to act normal. But we all know it is an act and your true love is waiting for you. Right ED2. What true colors we are just responding in kind to you and your post.
  18. Sofie went into her room leaving the lights out,shut the blinds, found her phone by feel and climbed into bed and covered up over her head.
  19. Thought you would adopt vortios and let him share the marital bed.
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