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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Thanks Naga. Haven't been able to be on much last day or 2. To much that has to be done. After today I should be caught up enough to get on more and follow whats happening. Want to check out the V&M apt. a little bit more. It is not one I want to follow from the sounds of it.
  2. Morning Naga, you know you enjoy this guy in B2 but you just will not admit it. Did Belle leave with the other three? I do not see her in the apt. or anything about her leaving.
  3. You just have to use your imagination Lyree. I have not thought that one out. But it would be a hell of a way to go.
  4. Now here is what is going to happen. The girls will go to bed and he will sleep on the couch. Belle will come home while everyone is asleep. She will wake him up and fuck his brains out until they leak all over the floor. She will then get up and go to bed leaving him wondering what just happened.
  5. We didn't , her parents were not home so we pulled the sheets , flipped the mattress and put new sheets on.
  6. My first wife would do that. The first time she did it I thought she pissed on me. Back then that was unknown.
  7. I knew what you meant Naga, just gotta have a little fun. We do not need any of them back here. That apt. deserves them.
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