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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. BB you know there is the possibility that Belle will not be leaving after her 90 days. Look at Gina, she is still here past her 90 days and no sign of her leaving. Maybe Belle will be lucky also.
  2. If you do not like his post than put him on ignore and you will not see the post. That will not stop BB from enjoying Belle and posting it. Enjoy BB
  3. Anyone know Gina's total time on RLC? I think she has a record for the longest time on RLC past her 90 days.
  4. violetta was home. Do not think she left. Saw her a little while ago going up to her room.Stand corrected I found out she did leave
  5. To all the newbies and the ones who should be on the Vh and VV forums. If you are lucky you might get to see Nicole bate. Even tho she does not have to. She may take pity on you.
  6. Since you know longer belong to RLC you have nothing to say about what goes on then.No opinions about anything since you cannot see what goes on.
  7. Not really, the girls are living their everyday lives, like they are suppose to. There is nothing saying they have to be nude.
  8. Gina has her room set up for long term occupancy. She even has a large fan for when it gets hot. Maybe Gina and us will be lucky and she will be here for 4,5, or maybe even 6 mo. That would make everyone Very HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Breast implants are better then no tits at all, like I came across one hot and horny nite. But I prefer small and natural.
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