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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Just because you have not seen her do it, then she has never done it. Is that the way it is? Or are you saying she only does it in a C.I. just because you have not seen her do it?
  2. None of the above. Just go by the facts. Not made up or stuff I want them to do. Just the facts and the truth.
  3. Did not say there was no contract. Just that we do not know what they are contracted, if there is one, to do. Do you know what they are required to do, Has RLC told you?
  4. How do you know it is not a vacation? We have never seen a work contract, so they could be just getting a paid vacation
  5. She does not shave. She uses the sticky paper , whatever it is called and pulls them out. Have seen her do this more than once.
  6. Balt have you seen a contract for the girls? If so tell us where we may see it to find out what the girls are contracted to do. Since no contract has been seen we do not know what RLC says they must or must not do.
  7. Who reads world news? The paper I get half the time cannot get the local news right. Besides do to a bad concussion years ago I do not have a very good long term memory.
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