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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. The login button is in the upper right hand corner. The logout butto is there also. it is a square with an arrow pointing to the right.
  2. Kylie si tting on the twins bed and her and Gina having a disagreement. Looks as if Kylie may be crying.
  3. Not unusual for girls to go to the beach or pool with extra clothes and change while out. Women will change clothes anytime on a whim. Just because they did does not mean anything. Are you trying to insinuate something about the girls. If so come right out and say it.
  4. Balt if you are expecting lesbian sex from any of these girls you may as watch Nina and kira apt. You will not see it here.
  5. I can see how that is possible with just the girls names in the title. But still that would by itself not mean lesbian apts. When I first saw B1 I did not expect a lot of lesbians.
  6. Cams are opening real slow and changing cams on thier own. Watching cam 4 with Kylie in the bathtub and it swithches to cam 5. I go back to cam 4 and this time it switches to cam 3 on its own. RLC is making it harder and harder to justify renewing.
  7. BB Girls on vacation is the apt. label but it may seem like they are over Easter weekend. I do not believe they will spend much time in the apt. All the fun and good stuff will be outside of the apt. Even if RLC did tell them to do more in the apt. Belle is still going to do as little as possible it looks like. Rose being new gets a pass for now. Angel is the only one who is actually trying. Even with the new look and free tokens that is not enough to renew. Cams need updated and moved or added. Also something needs to be done about the girls.
  8. Cannot help you on that. I am useing a computer and monitor with google. I did not have a + or - on RLC's site to enlarge or shrink the picture.
  9. BB I think you have someyhing wrong. Where it says girls on vacation is the label for the two Barca apts. The girls are not on vacation.
  10. Are you trying to get rid of the replay scenes at the bottom or the most popular cam scenes? If that is what you want to due then click on the minus sign until done.
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