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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. For Belle that would be about right the way she dances. More than 1 guy watching would probably fall over from a heart attack.
  2. I prefer a shorter girl also and medium build. Nelly is to skinny for my taste and Irma had to big of boobs for me. I also like a girl who knows how to dress. If Belle was on the dance floor dancing as she does and dresses, every man in the place would be watching , including me.
  3. Not saying anything bad about Belle BB. I really enjoy her also. Just saying that when she goes out she seems to overdress. Course as always I could be wrong, which does happen.
  4. Belle may be looking for a boyfriend or not. If she is she is being too obvious about it by the way she dresses and how she acted with the DJ. Kind of pushy. She does not want to be that obvious, it will scare a lot of guys away.
  5. Rose and Belle seemed a little over dressed for anything but a party during the day. This sounds maybe Angel is going shopping. If she is going to the same place as Belle and Rose she wants to be looking good but a little subdued maybe.
  6. Do not worry BB on the street I would not even get a second glance. even if I helped them in some way. But I do love it when the girls are happy. The Goddess at times really shows it after reading CC.
  7. The girls who read our comments love the guys like BB who let them know they are liked. With those kind of compliments it makes them happier. When they are happier they show it.
  8. Looks like Angel is gone. Empty apt. Did not see how she was dressed but did see she was putting on makeup
  9. I know and they had been at it before and were disrespecting another member in my book. I also like to have a little fun with them. It is so easy.
  10. I did not do it Naga. Did not have time to when I saw this post. I do not give reps I answer post anyway. You saying it did not bother me in the least.
  11. First of all the people in the apts. including B1 & 2 are not actors. It is a known fact that some of the people mainly the girls read CC. You also do not make fun of a respected member of CC for what they say concerning the girls. Now you want to have your fun saying something derogatory about this post, go ahead.
  12. Looks like we have a couple of newbies that are know it alls and are insulting or making fun of another respected member.
  13. Looks like you may be right Lucas. they are not going out to walk along the beach or shop dressed like that and in heels. Probably will not see them again today.
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