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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. How can Rosie and Angel sleep so damn long. Must have taken something or was on something to be able to sleep more than 14 hours.
  2. Naga I am still Good for a couple of weeks before I get just the freebies. If it looks like it is starting to be better I can still rejoin. They cannot auto collect off my prepaid card though.
  3. Does anybody actually think that the girls are going to wake up and do anything? If they do get up they will probably just sit on the couch. Course I could be wrong and they go out again.
  4. Concerning Rosie and her leaving in sandles earlier. I would say she probably took a leisurely stroll around the area and the beach just to relax and see some of the sites.
  5. Morning everyone. Boy last nite was a joke. I see Belle is sleeping and Angel is on her bed on her phone but no sign of Rose
  6. Well I have to hit the bed. Nothing earth shaking is going to happen, such as Rose and Angel sharing one big kiss. nite all
  7. I hate to say it but Belle does not even look sexy right now. She is being to easy to get layed. Angel is looking good, but I would take Rose if I had my pick.
  8. To be honest Stone I do not know what to think. Angel has been making eyes at Rose it looks like and Belle wants the one guy. But the guys do noy seem that concerned.
  9. Angel has been making eyes at Rose. Wonder if there is something she likes better than one of the guys?
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