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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Almost wish I lived 2 time zones to the west. At least I might have a chance of being up when they come in.
  2. They are definitly. In about 15 min. I am giving up and going to bed. I would at least see what kind of condition they return in before I do.
  3. This shows how little RLC cares about the customers. They could stop this if they wanted to. This will probably be another 0700 return.
  4. What sex she was just laying there and he was pumping in and out. She never moved while I watched. Still not moving.
  5. I'm back and no girls in B1 or B2 so I guess I did not miss anything. I give up on trying to figure who has what or wears what with the twins. I am just going to watch and the hell with it. They can sort themselves out.
  6. Nicole can just join in with Naga. You will just have to take a chance with Belle for 6 months. I am pretty sure I could not last a week with her.
  7. Now I am really confused Naga. You say Mia is homa and happone says it is Lia. that is home. I think I am going to have to open a beer.
  8. Like I said my mind can come up with some good ones without even trying. You would not believe what my mind does with some of these posts.
  9. Hey BB. Would you and Belle like to escort Angel to Naga's place? Then you and Belle can go on a little vacation together.
  10. BB and Belle would go on thier own way after delivering Angel to you. No BDSM stuff. two couples going thier seperate ways and both happy.
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