I'm sick, I don't feel good, bluh. Wow the girl there right now is very sexy in my opinion. Anyway here is the thing about all of this. All these people still have lives and some have morals, not all but some. Just because strangers are put into these apartments shouldn't mean they have to degrade themselves by being groped and pressured into sex. Sure they signed on for certain things but that doesn't mean they should do things that they are going to regret later on in there lives. If you take a look at certain apartments on RLC they have done things and I believe become alcoholics just to cope with the situation only for the sake of getting people to view their apartment. One in particular became alcoholic and decided it was a great idea to ummmm make a banana her boyfriend. It's just not right to make mistakes and fuck up a life for something as stupid as this. In the end it's a paycheck, nothing more. Again I am sick I hope that made some sense. I could say more but I am going to go curl up in the fetal position for a while and veg.