Ok, its been a few years. I don't exactly know how many years. I just don't remember the guy. It should be the same guy then. Thanks for the help/info.
This seems to work. Thanks. I also saw in the email i got a few minutes ago that there was a unfollow button that takes me to a page where i could unfollow the forum topic, didn't notice that earlier.
As the title says: How do i stop getting emails about every post in a specific forum topic?
It's getting annoying, i Think i got like 100 emails in 24 hours.
Äh, oroa dig inte för det, dom kan ju knappast klaga på språk. 1/3 av folk här pratar franska och annat skit i varenda tråd så dom kan ju knappast säga/göra nått utan att klaga/banna 1/3 av alla medlemmar. Tack för svar förresten och kul med en till svensk, trodde man inte :)
Ja det är klart, Sveriges 4:e största stad ju. Hur gammal e bull då? Jag tänker mest på han som är där nu(senaste dagarna). Kollar inte så ofta så har uppfattat att det är samma person och inte olika.
How old are the 3 in this apartment, 1 guy looks around 25 imo, and 1 look like 60yo and the girl i really cant Place, sometimes she looks 25-30, sometimes 45-50.
And wich one of the guys are in a relationship with her(the old or Young)? And why are the other guy there when he isn't and not even listed as living there. Where im from, that's just weird as fuck.
and by that i mean without RLC being able to see wich person/IP and so on uploaded/took the screenshots/videos.
Thats why i have contributed 0 pics and videos here instead of hundreds. I aint gonna get banned for others Entertainment.
It's impossible to reciprocate(not sure about Spelling) when everyone refuses to tell me(and probably everyone else) how to upload/fix Pictures/videos without revieling(not sure about Spelling) identity.
Does anyone know what happened after this? Did they go upstairs and have lesbian sex or did they go to sleep or??? I have not been online for weeks so missed a lot.