Seriously? join a month and a half ago and you complain the site isn't user friendly? You would have never joined a few years ago. If not for @StnCld316 you wouldn't have a board to complain about. This shit software takes some serious babysitting.
Never open this page again, and it's pretty much a given that your account has been deleted.
And remember, you have to PAY to have an account. Freeloaders can't make demands of the volunteer help here.
Many will complain to a surgeon not to put a scare through a tattoo. How can that happen when 65% of your body has tattoos?
Piercings? Some of them are sexy if done discreetly. There again, many of them, male, female, unsure, have them all over and it really looks idiotic.
Save the tats for the Marines. Nice looking girls shouldn't put that ugly shit all over their bodies. They're going to be plenty sorry when they hit their 40's.
Dude/Dudette has been around for 10 years, makes one post and wants their account deleted. And the one post they make, is asking to have their account deleted. Meh! We'll put it on the list with the rest of them and do a mass deletion one day.
Then you have to pay the offset. The costs between the value of said retention as far as collectables go, then the costs of larger residence and/or property for storage of such items. I don't have a 401k. I have 401 cc's, meaning classic cars. I enjoy them for a few years then sell them when the market has a demand and make a few coins. You have to watch the markets for everything these days.
I did the same thing. The cards that would come with a slab of bubble gum in the package were thicker cards and made more noise. To us, it was the equivalent of today's grown up on a Harley. It makes a lot of noise, goes nowhere fast and you have to stop and fix the cards every few blocks!
I agree. But now, the seller has the money and he's laughing at the buyer. I wouldn't pay that much for any car, even if it was just a small dent in my fortune that I wish I had.
I used to laugh when I would hear what people did to any engine trying to make more power out of it.
Keep it stock and change the oil frequently. Oil is really cheap insurance.
Forums get old and people move on. Everything is full of politics, everywhere you look. You are either Left or Right. There are no true Americans anymore. They all follow an agenda of some sorts. Many don't have any intelligence to think for themselves and form an opinion. They just parrot what others say.
How much discussion can you really have about a few naked tatted up and pierced ugly people?
I have a picture of a T-shirt that on the back is has a bunch of Old Dudes at a car show and the caption is: The Gathering of Geezers.
I'll find it eventually. It might be on my phone.
What the author of this rag knows about Cadillac, the rest of the world forgot. #'s 7, 8, 9 and 10 aren't even close to being spoken about truthfully. #7 isn't even in the ballpark. It's a 1970 Coupe'. What they wrote about the newer junk, I don't know much about. I don't like modern cars.