Man. I was all ready to jump on Peter25, then I see that's the Squirrel that I should have ragged on. :)
dmizzle26, you're doing damned good. But Squirrel is correct, we are just picking for fun. Depending on the forum base, if a person is born into the U.S. or Canada and was raised with the English language, they should make every effort to add the comma's, periods, grammar, spelling, etc... If you are born into an English speaking family, your use of the language does show your level of intelligence to a degree.
Do I expect everyone to know or learn English? Hell no. That would be ridiculous. However, should a person from a foreign land come to America to live, I do expect him/her to learn the language and customs of the country in which they choose to reside.
If I were to move to Mexico or Cuba or South America, I would have to learn Spanish just to survive. They, however are afforded the opportunity to come to my country and demand that I speak Spanish. This to me, is bullshit.
Assimilate to the language and customs of your chosen country. Don't expect that country to abide by your base customs, language and religion.
Keep it up my friend.