Old people here? Surely you jest sir. I used to live in the heart of Gods Waiting Room here, but since the Caribbean invasion of all of the scum, the old ones created their own highly secured gated communities 30+ mile north.
We have all of the filth here. What was once the vacation paradise of the United States is now known as the Southern Sewer. All of the turd worlders want to come here. We give them free food, free clothes, food stamps, welfare, little brown Corollas with no floors or brakes.
And they left a shithole only to come here and form another shithole exactly like the one that they ran away from. Why even bother to risk your life on a raft if you don't want to change?
I'd better stop. Some noob will say I'm bitching again, when all I'm doing is spelling out reality.
-1 for you Rodent for getting me started and ruining my vodka buzz.