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TBG 150

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Everything posted by TBG 150

  1. Excellent thoughts too. You would think that RLC would put in a few more cams to the pay areas and make them of much better quality. As it is, they are as grainy and out of focus as the ones in the free areas. I wonder if there is a site out there that would give something like investor stats on the company. P&L statements and what the gross revenue and expenses are of running the site. If they're giving away anything such as rent, it has to be a fairly big expense sheet along with server fees. I also wonder what they have as a gross membership as far as revenue goes. You figure with a world population of 7.1 billion, even if they were to score just 1 million subscribers, which would be less than half of 1%, thats $30 million /month. $20k/month in expenses and I would say they're doing pretty damned good. But I'm just pulling numbers out of the air here. I have no idea of what they really are.
  2. This is about the 10th time I'm trying to make some sort of sense out of the title post. Straight, sleepy, wide awake, slightly intoxicated by various means and just plain f'ed up, it has yet to become clear to me. I'd better get a hold of Alina and Leora and see if we can load something into one of their Hookah pipes that will make it come to reality.
  3. Damn Gents....TMI. :P Door open when alone. :D
  4. I have a set of amplified headphones from back in the stoned age somewhere. I'll have to dig them out when I think about it and find a jack plug reducer.
  5. Yeah, looks like I'm the only one that voted for Lora. I just thought that this seemed to be the most stable home environment on the board. No fighting, both work, both good looking, clean and the cat is the coolest. Then again, maybe I didn't understand the intended meaning of the poll either. :'(
  6. I'll take a maybe over a flat out NO, anyday. ;)
  7. That's the problem. They rarely do it on the free side of the rooms. Us cheap bastards have to wait for one of the guests to get laid on the couch. ;)
  8. That's the way it's supposed to be. If you can get away with it. These days it's cheaper to just worry about one.
  9. 10 Karma points to the first Mod or Admin that eliminates this board of the negative bashing printings of the idiot named Nick. This board exists purely because RLC exists. If you don't like RLC, go away.
  10. /: sorry i dont really post photos of myself. In a way, I can understand. But being the typical male, we all like to see what the new female participants look like. So I guess there is no sense in digging deeper into the site.
  11. People then didn't sit on their asses all day looking at TV and computers. You had to physically work. The women stayed in shape just doing daily life chores. Today, machines do most everything for you, all you have to do is stand there and push a button or two.
  12. It's no wonder that I like her. She's Italian. :) Friggin hot.... Good second link Antares.
  13. I wore out the Men in Black VHS tape. Yeah, tape. I'm not sure if video discs were even out then. CD's were, but not sure of DVD. MiB 2 sucked and 3 was great. Not really a movie person, but there were a few TV Series' that I liked. I think The Sopranos was my favorite. Blacklist is good and NCIS is on the top of the list. NCIS LA isn't all that great. The characters don't flow with each other.
  14. That'll get all of the prepubescent kiddies going now. They be hanging threads now that say... Ooooooo, Looooooook, They're watching sex on the computer. ROTFLMFAO.
  15. Looks like I'd better go check it out? 8) At the end of page 4 is my dream girl. Mmmmmmmm. But I was hoping to see pics of the Princess, not a bunch of gif's and anime stuff. :'(
  16. Is this at anytime? Or in particular, the time you are posting. I can't hear my own phone ring sometimes, I'm going to hear one all the way from Russia. ???
  17. Ask and you shall recieve. Get real son. Don't flatter yourself. Insignificant little worms like you could never get on my nerves. You are just a little maggot on a chat board that I can rid my life of with the simple click of a red X You must idolize me to single me out of a crowd of about 14,000 people. I'm humbled.
  18. I like to keep it in the family. It was my cousin from the U.K. I was 14 and she was 18. That girl broke me in right. She taught me just the right everything. As for the mom and daughter thing, I was hittin the daughter first. I was 17 she was 16. I went over to pick up daughter whom mom had sent out and not told her when I would be there. I get there and stay the night with mom. I was having fun with them for about 8 months.
  19. Prostitutes don't have to be women. There are plenty of male prostitutes out there also. What a few of you are saying is, no matter the type of compensation, be it rent, food, money, whatever, you're still being compensated for the act of sex is some shape or form.
  20. Hmmmm. Okay, thanks. Waddayathink Rodent? Does it sound like a good place to try and get into trouble?. Sweet young Lasses spilling their guts about how these little boys have no clue of how to please a sweet young Lass. :) Man, the trouble I could into. Whew !!!!!!!!!!!! Do we have to register to troll, er, I mean peruse this site? ;) Oh me. My little heart is going pitter-patter.
  21. NO !!!!! Lora's cat is the best. That cat is part human and it's got a great home.
  22. To us non-computer people, what pray tell is a tumblr? A chatroom, facebook/twitter like thing?
  23. My kind of people. I'm enjoying a Goose on the rocks as I type. Along with a bacon-cheeseburger and man, this is living. It's 5 o'clock somewhere. :)
  24. Man, you are a ball-breaker, ya know it. I remember my little Leave it to Beaver neighborhood too. All white, English speaking, safe, the savages stayed in their hoods and we stayed in ours. Now my old neighborhood is the eastern version of San Fransicko, all prancing around at the sick parties half naked. Now with the Dumbocrats and whiny Libs running things we have to co-exist and put up with the loud noise, the screaming kids, the thievery, trash in the yards, junk cars, purple, pink and green houses. Need I go on? They bring in the little savages by the bus load, because if they walked in their own 'hoods, the crack heads would knock the kids over for their candy. Dammit Rodent, you sure know how to tug on my strings first thing in the morning.
  25. Okay Mandy. Lets see some picks of those long legs and skinny ass. I love looking at beautiful women. While I was reading your post i was thinking, this sound like a woman talking. Then you made reference to your boyfriend and I knew it was all over. Alway nice to get the female perspective. Jump in on more of the threads.
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