It has absolutely nothing to do with RLC. But what it does do is gives you the opportunity to speak with others around the world on a variety of subjects. As for swallowing anything that the lame-stream media forces down your throat, don't do it. It's what that particular government wants you to be indoctrinated with. After you read it so many times, you might just start to believe it. You are slowly swayed to their way of thinking. You no longer have the intellect to think for yourself.
England has been on it's way down for some time now. The Liberals have ruined that once beautiful country. The once great mecca of London has been ruined by the mid-eastern filth that has invaded. The U.S. is right behind. It's too late for France and Spain. The Muslims have control there already with all of their archaic laws.
People no longer leave the shitholes that they reside in to better themselves and assimilate to the customs and traditions of their host country. No. The want to bring their nauseating filth with them to create another broke shithole worse than the one they left.
Pretty soon these maggots will have our major cities stopping the flow of progress while they lay down in the middle of the road to pray. They've done it to France and Spain and are slowly infiltrating all of the other Liberal minded countries in Eastern Europe.
Communism is alive and well and flourishing. The U.S.S.R. gave it's people everything that they deemed the people needed to live and when the Union collapsed, the people didn't know what to do. They had no skills, no means of creating a better environment. The government had taken care of them since they were born.
The adaptation of the Euro was the beginning of the downfall. There is now a Central Bank controlling the economy of these countries. Just like in the U.S.. The Central Bank controls everything and it's illegal and unconstitutional. But our laws are no longer based on the Constitution.
I'm getting way off here, but if anyone here has any thought of how to build an economy that is great, watch Japan. They ask no one for anything. They don't lay around and wait for someone to give them something. After the Tsunami, that whole country got together to rebuild. From the oldest to the youngest, they worked together to make their country better. And you will also notice that their population is still 90% pure. Outsiders are only visitors. You may not live there forever. They don't want you.
Okay. Off of my soap box.