I feel like I'm dealing with a twelve year old boy here. That you profess to be an adult with statements such as yours makes me recoil with a sense of revulsion and disgust.
"If you like to protect your families, you should first reduce the number of weapons. This would be a real improvement and not just Trump bullshit."
Spoken like a true sissy. How about I reduce the number of my own weapons from eight to seven for starters? Would that help you over there to not wet your bed so often then?
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't take advise from cowards when it comes to that of my own safety, or that of my families protection.
For unlike yourself, I don't leave them to the mercy of an intruder, rapist, or would be abductor. Instead I am willing to fight for their 'right to live'. That's my own personal view of 'human rights'.
And neither will I let myself be drawn into some sophomoric discussion with you over that of science and religion, though to me they are not incompatible. But then, my own intelligence over such matters are not quite as simplistic as your own. And yet, it would be entertaining for me to watch you tell your Muslim buddies over there that their Allah is full of shit. That kind of thing would put me in stitches. Or would this presumed boldness of yours just suddenly drop off at that point?
Personally, I have no problems with an atheist when it is based upon an honest doubt, or an inability to imagine somehow that God truly exist. But I do have a problem with certain idiots that think that by spouting off proudly that they are an atheist, it somehow makes them look chic in the eyes of others. Or perhaps in your own small little way it just makes you feel somewhat superior to those others who do still manage to believe. For that's the second time you popped off about it. Which to me only shows how truly childish you really are, in this attention or reassurance you seem so desperately to need.
But save your response and your best arguments to all of this for your good buddy Mohamed when he finally comes around, and just leave me out of it.
For I already have your true measure. And it isn't enough to even fill up a man's shoes with.