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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. This song came out in the year that I was born. No doubt my poor mother must have heard me humming this song while I was in the cradle. Believe me, I did a lot of rambling around within the confines of that cradle, rolling over first this way and then the other way, from one side to the other, in a monotonous, pointless motion that took place over and over again. And then later on, while now in my crawling phase, I remember that I couldn't wait until my legs finally strengthened up so that I wouldn't have to suffer with those fucking sore rug burns on my knees from crawling around all day upon that old worn out Persian rug that I grew to know, inch by inch, like the back of my hand. Honest, I actually do remember my first steps. It was something that went completely unnoticed by others, though none of that mattered to me. All I wanted to do at the time was to save my poor knees! And like most I suppose, my first steps were short and unsteady, as I managed to then wobble and stagger from the leg of the dinning room table over to the other little table that resided in the living room next to the couch. A span of maybe ten or twelve feet. And as I drew nearer to the other little table, in my haste I remember that I almost fell over as I slammed into the end table which caused the lamp there to almost tip over as well. That sort of thing has happen around here a time or two as well when I was in one of my more inebriated states. Anyway, as time went on I soon grew more and more comfortable with this new heel and toe express thing, and was soon able to cover much more territory than before, and in much better time as well. Funny how a song can bring about all of this gibberish somehow. Well, that's about it. Time to put the cork back in the bottle now.
  2. No, I'm quite sure your not one of the ones that comes to mind. I've never been wrong when it comes to people, and your more than welcomed here as far as I'm concern.
  3. Not really, except some of the people here might remember. Everything would be humming along just fine, and then some asshole would spring up from out of no where, and then the whole place would erupt into something of a bar room brawl. With chairs being thrown and tables being tipped over, as the beer bottles then spewed their contents against the walls. But after some time the undesirables would be put down and there would be this almost unsettling calm that would then permeate the place until the next encounter when some unwelcomed stranger would then straddle into our little domain. But perhaps, when I think back upon it, it is better the way it is now. A little more civil and domicile. And less of a mess to have to clean up afterwards.
  4. Thanks Harley. Maybe I'll tell that story some day. Maybe tomorrow, if I feel up to it. But it definitely caused some pretty big ripples back in the day.
  5. There's just something about the lawless west that just sort of appeals to certain people. LOL This place (CC) was pretty lawless too at one time. I sort of miss those day sometimes.
  6. It sounds like he was a nice guy. You know when I was young and used to go to Lovers Lane with some such girl or another. The cops would always come along and go from car to car shinning their flash lights through the windows, and just nosing around. Well, after they finally made their way on to my car and shined their damn lights into my face, I would shine my flash light right back at them. One of them yelled, "Get that damn light out of my face, to which I said, "You first copper!" I didn't like them much back then. He then said,.. "Are you alright miss?" "Is this ok with you?" Which Mary then said, "Yeah,.. I'm fine." Oh he looked so disappointed just then. Not a funny story but true all the same. But if you think that was brash of me, you should hear about the incident I had once with the chief of police no less. That little incident turned the heat up real fast for me and some of the guys.
  7. I just had to add this one more by him, since for me this song brings back certain memories, and I hope you like it as well. Hey Nick, there's another guy who can whistle pretty good too. Unlike myself. LOL
  8. I am much the same as yourself, except that I don't like Rap, or Hip Hop, or Heavy metal, but other than that I too like a lot of different music as well. I've listened to Fred Neil since the mid sixties. But they did play this song once at the end of a Sopranos episode once, which caused me to smile.
  9. Boy, I almost hate to tell you this. But back in my hoodlum days I was with this guy Dennis Manning one winters night, and he knew a lot of girls who would hang out at the Big Boys outdoor restaurant, which was kind of like a Sonic but on a grander scale. Well, he wanted me to pull up to this certain car with these girls that he knew. But this cop stood right in front of my car and tried to stop me. He even reverted to hitting my car with this flashlight that he was wielding. That caused me to jump out, and whip out a switch blade that I had at the time, as I was yelling at him. Dennis then screamed out my name, knowing that I was giving him a perfect chance to shoot me down. So I jumped back into my car and whipped it around and then gunned it hard which then kicked up a bunch of snow and slush right into this cops face. And when we pulled out of there, every car parked there was honking their horns, and no doubt laughing, just as Dennis was at the time. I was eighteen years old at the time. Honestly,.. I've changed quite a bit from those once volatile days.
  10. Oh there was this one other time when after the cop asked me for my license and registration, I pulled out a fifty dollar bill instead. He didn't take kindly to that, and repeated to me in a gruff manner,.. "I asked you for your license and registration!" I then half laughed and said,.. "Oops, sorry." And did my best not to piss him off again.
  11. Probably the funniest thing I've ever said to a cop when he was writing me a speeding ticket was,.. "Make it quick, I'm in a hurry." That was a long, long time ago, and I wasn't in a very good mood at the time. After I signed the fucking thing, he then just flung the ticket through my open window and walked on back to his car. I've changed a lot since then.
  12. Way to go my friend. Funny as hell!
  13. That was great Nick,.. Thanks. PS. I've always been amazed at how some people can whistle like that, since I can't whistle at all. Not even a peep.
  14. Now that's fucking funny!
  15. Thanks Nick, and thank you Harley, and all ye hearty cutthroats out there. I'm getting quite a reputation now. Almost like the old days.
  16. And this ones becomes something of a traditional tune for the likes of such notorious pirates such as Foamy T. Squirrel, esquire, or should I say esquirrel. "Avast ye maties,.. Time to open up the gunner doors and reap the oceans bounty!"
  17. Thank you Harley,.. These next two are for you. I've never tired of Him, and hopefully you will like him as well.
  18. And speaking of beanies. Remember back in the fifties when they had these little propellers on top that would spin in the wind. I think the Pope ought to look into it, as it might improve his chances on ascending to Heaven. Providing there is a favorable breeze blowing his way.
  19. I agree with you there too. He's just another one of those doleful idiots that whenever he pops his pretentious head up on my television, I cringe with distain. God, I believe in,.. Jesus, I believe in. But these false, and cowardly so-called holy men mean absolutely nothing to me. He goes around and chastises us, the American people, for wanting to protect ourselves and our families, all the while the Muslim fanatics are currently killing thousands of Christians. Absolutely incredible! And then there's that ridiculous Pope-mobile he rides around in. The least they could do is maybe put some fifties style fins on it in order to give it some sort of class. And maybe if they added some fuzzy dice hanging from the plexiglass shield, that would help to improve his image as well. But not much I suppose. Or at least not to me.
  20. I'm with you on that account. And they continue to try to belittle him, and mock him, on his building that wall. Saying that it won't work, or that Mexico won't pay for it. But hopefully, the free ride is over now, and they will have to start to pay a tariff on some of their drugs and trade goods in the future, which to me, only seems right considering how much the illegals have cost this country in the way of health care, and edjamacation, and food stamps, and general well fare up the ass, not to mention those pesky, ever increasing incarceration fees. And for the Democrats, who hate the very idea of stemming the tide of their future (Give me Give me) voter base, and who constantly decry that building the wall is wrong, and not the American way;.. I just heard that for security purposes those very same hypocrites are now proposing to raise the height of the fence that currently surrounds the White Hut just now. My guess is that Obama must have heard a lion roar somewhere near by.
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