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Everything posted by woodworker
I only just read your post about the cry babies complaining about you because you called the girls over there at RLC nothing but whores.
I guess the truth hurts sometimes. But I for one am both proud of you and laughing at the same time too, for you having the guts to actually say so.
It really tickled me when I saw it.
You've got to understand some of these drooling idiots never had anything better than these same sort of classless tramps in their lives, so naturally it must have upset them a bit.
Hello WW, hope all is well with you!! I'm glad there is someone out there that can laugh at what I say and understand the meaning behind it.
As for upsetting them, any guy that is a hot blooded male has had classless tramps in their lives at sometime or another lol. The truth can hurt sometimes and I get it! I call it like I see it and sometimes it's going to hurt a little, but as the days go by and from what I've read on the forum since I said I would not post to the forum anymore, it looks like I was spot on.........at least to me anyway.
I really hope you are doing well and things are going your way!! You can PM me at anytime, I'm always just a PM away.
Your friend,
I'm thinking once again about the blog thing, but I don't how it works.
By that I mean, how do you sanction only certain people to be able to enter it, or read it? And can you also post pictures, and videos there? I ask that because while there wouldn't be too many pictures or videos, some of them bear a close resemblance, and one is an amazing likeness of one of the key people in my past. In fact, it couldn't be more exact than if it was of an identical twin in his case, in every aspect. Right down to the teeth and mustache.
If I do bother to dredge up the distant past, it is not for the reasons than some may think, as I have no need to bolster my own ego in this way. But it is something that for some of the better people here might find somewhat interesting.
I still can't promise that I will even bother to do it, as I don't think of it right now as anything all that fun to do. But again, for some here it may be worth while in some respects all the same.
It won't be everything of course, as that would require a book full of pages, and I've never been inclined to do a book about it.
But whatever snippets I would do, I would try to a fairly decent job of it.
Your friend, as always,
There is a requestor type of box when you install a new blog asking if you want it to be public or private. If private or invite only, you then put in the members name and that will give them access.
I pretty much gave up on the debate. Same ol shitty platitudes and scripted crap from Hillary. Trump was Trump as usual, but at least he spoke like the average joe in the local bar. I hate smug, pretentious pandering polished liars, anyway.
Boy, you aren't kidding! I told this woman I know the same damn thing.
There the bitch stood with her overly rehearsed, polished BS, and with that practiced, smug smile of hers. And if I would have had my chance with her I would have taken her apart limb by limb.
She harped on Trump not being willing to make public his tax returns. She then said, "One can only wonder why?" "Maybe your afraid that it will show that your not quite as rich as you pretend to be, or maybe it will show that your not as charitable as you let on to be."
At that point I would have undressed that hag right then and there in front of 70 million people.
I mean, of all the fucking people wanting to hide something. That comment alone would have had half the fucking country laughing in their beers. Then I would ask her if any of those people who have contributed large sums of money to her and her husbands foundation ever asked for their money back, since only some six to seven percent of it ever really went to any sort of charity work.
When I got done with that bitch they would have had to carry her out on a litter, with her security guards fanning her ass with large ostrich plumes fans, much like what they used back in Cleopatra's day.
Oh well,.. All we can do is hope that she never steps foot in the White House again.
She is such a phony, much like that black bastard we currently have in there now.
Against my better judgment, I've decided that I am going to watch the fucking debate tonight. Circus that it is.
After all, there is still an outside chance, that Hillary might become overwhelmed by it all and spin around and do a nose dive right there in front of seventy million people.
It could be one of those, where were you type of things.
"Where were you when they carried Hillary off on a liter during the first debate?"
And I wouldn't want to miss something like that.
Well, it didn't go so well for Donald.
He's just too damn hyper-sensitive to defending his fucking ego, and lets his mind run wild because of this.
She opened the door to what could have been Donald's knock out punch. But he just blew it!
Anyway, I'm done with worrying about it all, and this country, for that matter.
The whole thing has become reduced down to a something more like voting for someone on American idol anymore.
First a deceitful, treacherous nigger. (Our first black president)
And now this corrupt, treasonous bitch. (Our first woman president)
What next?
Oh well. I'm just going to ignore it all anymore, and control those things that I can control concerning myself.
That's all that anyone can do anymore in the face of so many ignoramuses.
To be honest, I'm not really sure if I will watch the so called debate tonight.
Sometimes I just can't stand to even look at those pompous moderators with their hopes of catching Donald off guard, so they can become a hero to their scummy colleges within that deplorable profession of theirs.
Do you know, that when I was sixteen and was leaving the police station after a friendly little chat with the chief there, a group of reporters were waiting for me and some of the guys right by the front steps. (Someone within the department notified them)
And then within this crowd of cocksuckers this woman reporter shoved her microphone right up close to my face after asking me some bullshit question, as I quickly responded with..
"Get that fucking microphone out of my face, before I shove it up your ass!"
It was the perfect response in my opinion, knowing only too well that they would never be able to air that segment on TV.
You have to think fast with that crowd, and although my response was based purely upon reflex, it killed for them any chance of re-editing my comment when you think about it.
Anyway, whether I do watch it or not, I hope Trump mops the floor with her.
I screwed up somehow and accidently put the posted the wrong song by Brook Benton. But when I discovered that horrid mistake I quickly yanked it and replaced it with the one I though was kind of nice.
I guess I need to slow down.
I was still dropping in quarters in the ole juke box. I hope you appreciated Harry Roy and his orchestra from 1931.
Probably the nicest serenade to a twat that I ever heard.
Ben thinking about you. Hope your ok, as you have come to mean a lot to me.
I take this forum one day at a time anymore. But people such as yourself and Foamy, and of course StnCld, and TBG, and Albacor and certain others make it all worthwhile for me.
Thank you WW, you mean a lot to me as well! You are a thoughtful, genuine person and I care about people like you my friend. Honestly, I'm about done with this forum, my health has been really tough lately and my son has had to move in with me to help me do a lot of things I just can't do anymore. I sold my bike a couple of weeks ago because I just wasn't riding it enough. I like the forum but I'm tired of all the bitching and moaning and crying that goes on when someone like myself makes a post that doesn't agree with the usual defenders of the RLC universe. I also know that I have been one of those people at certain times I'm sorry to say, but hey.....I made my bed and now I have to lie in it lol.
At any rate, I'm happy to see you doing well and made the decision to stay on the forum. I'm in the decision making process of whether to stay or not at this time. I'll know which way to go soon.
Thanks for being a friend WW!!!
There's not many places left to go anymore around here at Camcaps. And I no longer care to visit the political section of this forum, as I don't tend to suffer fools very kindly. Hell, even Quasi Moto would have kicked them out of the belfry without even giving it a thought.
He wasn't much on looks, but his heart was in the right place.
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Those accordions are very expensive, but there's an awful lot to them, so it doesn't really surprise me.
They're also quite heavy. I knew someone once who played one.
I always liked those small ones though, that old sailors would sometimes play on. Not sure what they're called, but I always liked them.
And thanks for your kind words my friend. They mean a lot to me.