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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Anthony still considers himself as a " Super Guy" , who can seduce all girls but CAN'T Do anything !!
  2. Lorraine's only chance would be Radi !! If she picks Daniela, it is sure she will participate with Anthony ! ( If it happens )
  3. L/A are preparing their return, and they will choose who will be the one sharing their "Blue Balls" session ! Who will Lorraine choose for Kissing, touching breast and " watching her BJ Anthony !!
  4. Fun to see Buffy have fun and smile ! Vert nice girl ... I'm sure we will see more and more from her !
  5. Maybe ... But she was participating !! And it is not because she didn't want to !!
  6. WHO is that MAKSIM ?? Megan's older Brother ?? ALL HE DOES IS PUT HIS EYES AND HANDS ON HIS !#$@@$#;!(. CELL PHONE ??
  7. Once again , B1 ... WHY the girls don't interact at ALL together ?? Everyone does her things separately ... THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY in that appartment ! The only thing they do TOGETHER is at the table , talking ! PERIOD !!
  8. On sait de quoi elle est capable ... Juste pas le bon groupe de filles avec elles !
  9. Tu as le droit à ton opinion... Je ne suis pas d'accord, mais je respecte ton avis ...
  10. Think she is sad because she doesn't have someone to play with her ... We all know the twins won't go there ... I really think Holly AND Karol should be in B4 !
  11. If Lorraine and Anthony come back, I already predict a lot of theeesomes that will end with Lorraine BJ Anthony who will not be able to get a hard ! Like in their last time when they tried with Pam, Amalia and Monica !
  12. Holly had very good time with Martina during parties in B4 ... Kissing and close dancing !
  13. Question for RLC: is Fior the owner of the villa and we don't know that ? He is ALWAYS there ... maybe he is the driver but that doesn't give him the right to be there as he was living there !!
  14. After watching "Karaoke night" last night, I would say that Holly deserves to stay in B4 , seems a lot happier there ... Doesn't have chemistry or interaction with the B1 girls ... And she brings fun and life in the villa !
  15. If they want to increase their clientele, change the door locks and NEVER let FIOR come in !! And let the girls have their private time and parties together !
  16. You are wrong my friend ! When Megan was there, she was ALWAYS the one making the first moves !
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