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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. In the late 80s, I used to like a band named " World on Edge" ... One of their hits reflets EXACTLY Gina... The title was " She keeps on talking " ... I'll try to put the link
  2. How can she have as much to say ? She is talking and talking ... Please STOP !!
  3. She left the twins at her place ! WTF is she doing in B2 ?? Oh yeah, probably drink, drink and ... drink !
  4. Gina leaving with the twins .. maybe we'll have something with the girls !
  5. What will Gina do, now she isn't the center of attention ?
  6. When will RLC get rid of that loser bum ?? Please Do !!!
  7. Sorry but all that concerns Bruno doesn't interest me at all ... Don't wanna hear of him ( or his buddies, including Zach )
  8. I prefer looking at girls who are more normal than Gina or even STELLA, who are ALWAYS HIGH/DRUNK ! You won't agree and it's ok ... Plus the fact that she is with the RLC drug man ... The less I see him, the better I am !
  9. Oh yeah ... Forgot! Probably high ... again ... Soin she will be 🤢🤮.. she is really pathetic to watch ...
  10. Why does Gina has to ALWAYS act like a fool ? She could ne nice, if she wanted to ... Instead, we're having that ... She must be the girl who exagerates too much...
  11. The "drug squad" will appear soon ... not sure I'll follow the night ...
  12. Leora and Malia, each Day, you are touching yourselves on the pussy, fingering and bating ... It is about time you "add" something else !!
  13. Mila is very quiet since her arrival... Maybe she is with the wrong girls ... If she was with Tesla, it would be different...
  14. Hope one day they go further ... It is ALWAYS the same thing
  15. Even Malia's boob massage on Leora is not even erotic ... she isn't comfortable... And not natural at all for her ...
  16. Like I said in another thread, in the "Couples appartments", you will have Real life ... But in the Girls on Vacations' appartments, they are hired to entertain us , so YES, we will have SHOWS, real or fake ...
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